HI, is there a way to program the VMPRO to automatically page on multiple phones a wav file telling them that the pause is On and 15 minutes later that the pause is off ?
Hi guys, i am uplifting a virtual server edtion 11.1 to select edition mode.
Do i need to default all my ipo 500 to basic edition ? . Erase config and reboot
Because i get this error : ip office line cannot be created between Non-Select Expansions
i have a weird issue after upgrading to 11.1 Feature Pack 3 Service Pack 2
My system is a physical host
i was at release 11.1 Feature Pack 3 Service Pack 1 before upgrading
When i log to the management web site :7070 i see all the services down
But when i log in : 7071 i see all...
Hi , i have just deployed a fresh install of WebLM ova
Is there a way to change the root password ?
Or is there a default root password ?
Thank you
Hi , i have to migrate an embedded mailbox to a vmpro.
I want to convert .c11 back to a .wav
I tried with the audacity software with no luck
I have tried the same settings in that post https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1817989
Thanks for your help.
system = server edition Build 34
I have lost around 20 personal mailbox, i did not see them in vmpro client. In manager the mailbox was on.
So i restarted the vmpro services and they came back to life.
Has anybody encountered this issue ?
Thank you.
System A = Server edition
System B = ipo 500V2a with voice networkink licences & vcm channels
My question is: I want site B to be able to call site A. But i want site B to use its own embedded voicemail. I dont want site B to be in the server edition solution. ( bad internet...
system = ipo 500 v2 version
I use assisted trasfer in my vmpro module.
trunk = analog from a DMS-10 ( dont laugh! )
Trunks from a LCE card 6 X17
Trunks from a PE card 2T00
isssue is when i call the auto attendent, if y try to reach an extension and then if i hang up, i...
system = ipo 500 v2 version
trunk = analog from a DMS-10 ( dont laugh! )
Trunks from a LCE card 6 X17
Trunks from a PE card 2T00
isssue is when i call the auto attendent, then i press an option to reach an extension. if i hang up, i will still continue to ring to the...
Fresh new install vm ware application server
I can login with Administrator account to webmanagement 7070 & 7071
I can login with Administator in sercurity settings
I am not able to log in voicemail pro client with Administrator, i tried to run the application as Administrator...
Hi guys, did you ever have any issue upgrading an ip office 500v2 with a 4gb sd card ?
According to the avaya website they do not recommend the use of 4gb cd card. What do you think ?
Current Avaya SD cards are 8GB. The use of older 4GB cards is not recommended...
actual system = physical server version
my customer wants to virtualized, my question is:
Can i take a backup from and restore it to a new version 11.1 Feature Pack 2 Service Pack 3
Will my ip phones keep their extension ?
ipo 500 v2 version
line group id 0
incoming call group goes to Auto attendent AA:01 ENGLISH
message was recorded with *8101 with a time profile 24 hour 7 day a week
lines ring forewer without message.
I need help
system ipo 500 v2 version 11.1
trunk type = Analog
DMS type = DMS 10
In the dms10 , option cut on disconnect is already programmed on the lines.
I have an issue with analog lines beeing seized. Is there an option in the avaya or the dms that i could add or change ?
system = avaya server edition 11.1 physical
I have a customer already in production. They want to use media manager for recording. Can we just add the new hard drive to the server ?
I have 3 expansion module connected to a 500v2 gateway.
After the upgrade to 11.1 SP2 , they are not upgrading. Anybody had the same issue or know how to fix this ?
The good bin files are on the sd card. I have tried to reboot the gateway & expansion.
When i connect to the console of the...
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