Good morning all. I have a BCM 400 3.7 And i just got a call that this mornng all mail boxes were Locked. Any one out there know ( Why ) This would happen the IT Director had to reset them all. Any answer's Thank's
Hello all
I have a IP office 8.0, Cant you tell me is there a way to reset the voice mail boxes back to the default message. I have done and ready to install and the customer wants the default message. I have my test one on there and can not remove it. I did remove the check from the voicemail...
Hello All
Here's my trouble went to customer site to change messages and my element manager won't open i get a error. I have used it on other 50's and 400 so i know it works. The BCM 50 is a rel 2.0 ..
Good morning all, I have a upgrade i need to do to my ip office 500 v2. It's at 7.0(5) and i need to bring it up to 7.0.(23). I went to the Avaya site and i cant find it there.Can someone out there let me know were it is, There site isnt easy or am i just not looking in the right place..Many thanks.
I have ip office v2 500 R7, Question is i have 9 analog lines in it at this time, And i am told they are looking to add two PRI'S to it, first Can i plug them into slots 3 and 4 does it matter, And then do the programing to get the PRI's going and then cut over to thePRI. Or do they have to...
I have a ip office 500 v2 running partner add on just upgraded it two weeks ago to 7.0. and now i have 2 phones coming up with a message on the display saying BACKUP FAILED whats with that any one there have a clue...thanks
I have a ip office 500 v2, 7.0 software embedded voice mail. 4 ant trunks 1416 phones, I did all impedence set on the lines. And after i place a call maybe 20 seconds there a noise that comes on the line or all the lines sounds like a window is down. The c.o. lines are fine, not to hot, And...
Can some one lead me in the right step's to look for. I have a IP office 500 v2, with voicemail pro, 6.1 in to a NetNanta 1234 Adtran switch, with analog trunks feeding it, 2 vlan's 1 voice 1 for data,I set up auto adjust for trunks, There is a ECHO on both internal calls and external. Right...
I have a IP Office 6.1. embedded VM . I have tried to save a wave file for music on hold. I have the file and named it holdmusic.wav and placed in the manager and rebooted and in the monitor i see it loading and then it fail's , I even tried naming it HoldMusic.wav and still fail's..Help..Thanks
I have a bcm 50 which has been fine for 2 years, Had a night button set up and it went like this calls fowarded to ring group and then back out to location, Now it stop and its not transfering dtmf it seems like . I can see the call come in and grab the line but not dtmf tones, was told maybe a...
I am trying to change the can ladys recording in the voicemail. The one that comes on and says all of our attends are busy, and then after so many seconds the 2nd one comes on with the same, then the next one comes on , all works fine, But how do i change them two default one's.. help please.
I have opt 11 with 3.0..I have 43 ip hones on there all ready.They got some more and i can not get them going for the life of me. I am thinking there must be a firware issue.When i program up the phone with all the config it says loading then comes back with unable to reach sever. So i then took...
It was set up with 4-diget dialing,voice mail also then removed and Installed,Trouble is the system fine but voice mail still has 4 diget,cant change it to 3. How is this done. Help please...Thanks
Can some one tell me when do you andwhere on nortel site you fine what is needed for your patches.I have installed a few BCM"S and have never placed a patch. THanks
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