I have a classic asp site that is being partially updated to html5 and responsive design. There is a poll in an iframe that I am trying to move to a div. To do this I used
$.get('Poll/poll.asp', function(data) {
This loads the page/content into the div without...
I need to create a recordset from 5 tables with identical fields then reference the records by table. I also need the record count for each table. I am using this for a menu and I have been banging my head against the wall. Any help would be appreciated.
This is the select statement I am...
I need to join 5 tables with identical fields then reference the records by table for a menu on a website. The database is access (I know). I have tried literally hundreds of different approaches with no luck. Here is the Select statement that I am currently trying.
dSQL="select 1 AS menu...
Hello, I have five access tables each with the same fields named misc1, misc2, misc3, misc4, misc5. There is a number field in each table named display. If there is a 1 in the display field, I need to display a linked image to a page where the content from the table can be shown. I have done...
I have an swf that plays a video (toobplayer component) and has two dynamic txt fields. The video and both txt fields are "fed" from an xml file. I also have a movie clip that loads an image on another layer and is set to an alpha of 0. Is there a way to use a conditional statement to check the...
I have a web (online) asp/vbscript that uses a function to decrypt RC4 encrypted data. A client now needs to email encrypted data and decrypt it on their local desktop. I recently found out about hta's and they appear to be the answer in this case. I have read several posts and downloaded and...
I am working on a project where I am laying out a list of players for each team in a given league. The list looks like this (The draft order numbers are autoID):
The Brawlers
Wgt Name Draft Order Needed
125 Fred 1342 9
133 Dave 1301 2
I am not very familiar with javascript so I am piecing this together based on what I can find doing google searches.
I need to get the total of an input value multiplied by a specific number for the fields that are above one another in the code below. This is working fine. I then need to get...
I have a form set up that posts to itself (or the same page). I collect the values from the form and do an insert like this. I have debugged and all variables are showing up in the sql.
pInsertSql = "INSERT INTO [user] ([userlevel], [paid], [regid], [userpaid], [name], [email], [username]...
I am used to working in access and have a project where I am using sql server. I am trying to find dates in a field between two other dates. Here is one of many variations I have tryed.
tourndis= Now()
tournreg= Now() + 6
sqlstr="Select tournname, tourndat from tournaments WHERE tourndat...
I keep geting a syntax error near ')' error with the following:
sSqlWrk = "SELECT [wrestlername], [wrestlername] AS DispFld, [weightclass] FROM [wrestler]"
If lteam.wrestlername.CurrentValue = "" Or IsNull(lteam.wrestlername.CurrentValue) Then
sSqlWrk = sSqlWrk & " WHERE 0=1"
sSqlWrk =...
I can't seem to get the syntax right here. No matter what I try i get either unterminated string constant error or Expected')' error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sSqlWrk = "SELECT [wrestlername] FROM [wrestler]"
sSqlWrk = sSqlWrk & " WHERE ([weightclass] IN (@FILTER_VALUE))"...
This TSQL is killing me... I was able to update one table using the same Request.form fields. Now the next update is giving me an error. This is the update statement:
ltUpdateSql = "UPDATE lteam SET ltID= sID WHERE user=" & spID
DB connection is opened above
I am using sql server express and have two Select Statements on the same asp page. I have used the same statements on another page to gather similar data without a hitch. The only real difference I can see is that I am using a parameter in the Where clause of each that is fed by...
Is there a problem using cdbl with a dsn? I have a Select Case statment tht works fine on iis with a dsnless connection but throws this error once it is online with a dsn:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid use of Null...
I first posted this in SQL Programing (Not sure how to remove it from there)
I need to convert this SQL Select statement in to a select statement that will work with MS Access 2000. Any help would be appreciated.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM eventCalendar WHERE " & _...
I need to convert this SQL Select statement in to a select statement that will work with MS Access 2000. Any help would be appreciated.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM eventCalendar WHERE " & _
"convert(datetime,convert(varchar,DatePart(yyyy, dteEventStart)) + '-' + " & _
I have a table named coupon with ID, bisid, coupstart, coupexp, etc.
I have a function that tests to see if a time is within a range of two other times. I am using military time only showing as an integer. (800, 830, 900, 930, 1000 etc)The statement that tests the range is below:
If tsToTest >= tsStart AND tsToTest < tsEnd Then
tsToTest is the time being...
I am working on a reservation system and have never worked much with time in other applications. I am using military time to input "reservations" but I need to display when an item is reserved and was wondering if anybody knows a way to check if a given time is in a range between two other...
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