I recently uninstalled Visual Studio from my computer (don't know if it is relevant).
I am running Delphi XE on Windows 10 Pro x64.
When I click on Delphi XE icon, the program tries to start, briefly displays splash screen and then pops up dialog box "Error" and message "Item not found". I...
Does anyone know of a way to prevent the Micro$oft Virus (aka. Windows 10) from resetting the defaults. I usually have Foxit Phantom set as default PDF and Corel Paintshop set for graphics. However, every day or so Windows claims to have a problem and resets them. I have to reboot the PC before...
For the past few days if I search on Bing or Google, Internet explorer displays the normal page of search hits. Then when I click on any of the links I get "This page can't be displayed" error. Sometimes I can click page 'refresh' icon then the page will load but most of the time my only option...
I am running Windows 7 Pro x64 with Microsoft OneDrive (SkyDrive) and the program keeps adding the following entries to the startup.
Uninstall c:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SkyDrive\17.0.4035.0328_1
A week ago was the first entry and now I have
I have searched this site and Google so I have seen many articles on disk image software but no simple answers. I am looking for software that creates a bootable diskimage of c: drive. I have Acronis but it has grown huge in size and has all kinds of memory hogging monitors. EaseUS Todo seems to...
I have experience in programming with Delphi, a little knowledge of C# and FileMaker. What recommendations do you have for learning Access VBA. Books, websites, etc. Google/Bing reveals hundreds of hits, anyone have a favorite?
I have an Acer Aspire One netbook. The wireless network stopped working recently. I did a system restore to a previous point and it started working again but it did not last. After the system restore the wireless icon on the task bar shows a small globe on it and all works fine then the next...
Recently I have been looking at PC Diagnostic software. Most seem out dated or requires individual license of every computer tested. Anything out there that will allow you to load a CD or USB flash drive and test the system without having to install the software?
I am running Windwos XP w/SP2 and current updates. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy LS sound card. When Windows starts and shuts down the default sounds play. Nothing else plays, not QuickTime, not Windows Media Player, not Internet Explorer, no sound period. Any ideas???
As a long time registered user of the Sygate software, I am disappointed but not surprised that Symantec has chosen to kill it...
Any recommendations on a replacement or a referral to a good resource comparison of what is available out there?
I am using Outlook 2003 with WindowsXP SP/2. Suddenly, everytime I try to send an email I get the error message "Invalid Certificate" and am instructed to get a new digital ID or use another email account. I have never had a digital ID. Anyone know where to turn off this "digital ID" setting...
As a former Clipper/FoxPro 2.6 (DOS) programer who has been away from it for a while I am looking to get back to it. Someone suggested the AppDev course as a good start. Seem kind of expensive. Is it worth it?
I am running Windows XP Pro with a HP DVD writer 400i. The CMOS on the intel motherboard sees it. Windows recognizes it when it boots but none of the software sees it. The Windows Device Manager sees it and reports it as working correctly but places the yellow I symbol on it. It has been working...
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