Please help!
I've attached a .pdf file (attachment file) to another .pdf file (source file) using the "attach a file as a comment" tool on Acrobat 9.0.
However, the problem is that I've updated the original attachment file by accessing it through the source file and saved it under a...
(System: Windows 7 & IE 9 with 64-bit Edition)
Gmail's Advanced attachment features require Flash Player.
I can not attach multiple files, when using Gmail.
I followed all steps below: -
to uninstall completely...
Since I have file saving problem with Acrobat Pro 9 PDF file, I ran PDF Optimizer. Then at the end, it shows Conversion error - "pdf document contained image masks that were not downsampled" & Optimzer process can not be completed. How can I solve this issue? The file size is about 20MB and...
I am curious if there's any way to show which files in specific folders are "password-protected" vs. which ones are not.
If you don't have, could you refer me any closest software products out there?
I purchased a new computer with Windows 7 Pro.
When I try to print a web page (IE 8) using Print Preview, "As selected on screen", shrink to 85%, then print to Adobe PDF print driver, the IE 8 page got stuck. So I have to End Task it all the time.
However, if I try it with different browsers...
When I print documents using Acrobat print driver, it creats pdf file all the way to the very edge of pages. So if I print the pdf file to HP printer, the margin area are cut off, if I forget to change Page Scaling to "Fit to Printable Area"
Is there any way to change Acrobat print driver...
While I am editing comments with Acrobat 9.3.1, I get a Windows error "acrobat.exe ..... closed by Windows"
Then when I open the PDF document, I get "invalid annotation object" error, and the file is corrupted and not usable any more.
Please advise me what steps I need to take to this...
While I was working on PDF files, all PDF files were not responding. Ctrl/Alt/Del - programs other than Acrobat Pro 9 were OK - Ended task for all PDF files.
After I opened those PDF files, those could not be recovered.
1) Is there any way to recover PDF files when the file is corrupted...
Using Text Box Tool or Callout Tool icon or Add Sticky Note, I want to change font size or color of texts which are already created. Properties Bar is already selected on Toolbars.
But frequently, the bar is shaded/grayed out so I can not edit any text. It appears properly sometimes mostly...
When I click Text Box Tool icon or Add Sticky Note, I normally change size or color of texts. Properties Bar is already marked. But frequently, the bar for editing text does not automatically appear. How can I make it appear all the time and manually appear when it does not?
There were frequent freezing when using Hotmail and other sites with IE 7. So I uninstalled IE 7 and now I am back to IE 6. Is there any safe way to safely uninstall IE 6 & reinstall IE 6/7?
When I am using Windows Live Hotmail, it freezes and status bar says "Downloading data" or similar messages. At that time, if I click another tab on IE 7, that site also freezes and cannot close IE 7.
I emailed this issue to Windows Live Hotmail...
With Acrobat 7, I could create PDF from Scanner before saving as a hard drive file. But with Acrobat 8, it always asks for a file name before scanning. Sometimes, I wanted to scan first without saving (i.e. printing to paper, inserting pages from the scanned document to existing file), then...
When printing forms to Acrobat, some texts overflow designated box line and go over to the next box.
I went to printer setting properties - Adobe PDF Settings - then tried to print with & without checking "Do not send fonts to Adobe PDF". But still the same problem. Where should I set up to...
Some internet texts are appearing in light gray fonts and hard to read & also too light for printing. How can I configure IE 7 to somehow override with black font? Is there any tools to change text to black fonts?
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