I'm trying to change a parent image control when a button is hovered over in the sub form.
I can achieve this but the screen flickers like mad.
So to try to stop the mouse_even API firing continuously, I'm trying to trap the X/Y co-ordinates so I can see if the mouse has moved to a...
Can someone confirm that if Management Studio is installed on the same server as the SQL instance, does it use the LAN to access it?
I was under the impression anything that accesses localhost loopback over TCP/IP does not go out across the network, the same for a browser accessing IIS on...
I have a web app that takes a very long query string, however IE seems to be truncating it.
I have increased URL / Query String length on the site in IIS, as I was getting the 404 not found error, due to long QS, this has now been resolved.
However, I have found that FireFox runs fine...
Can someone advise how I get the XLS embedded object when activated to zoom to fit the control?
I have Me.Office.SizeMode = acOLESizeStretch
Which works fine with the preview (icon) display, but when the OLE object is activated , the active frame is smaller than the object frame.
Here is...
How can I print an OLE object document?
I have tried ('Office' is an unbound OLE frame)
Set oDoc = Me.Office.Object.Application
oDoc.PrintOut Background:=False
That just errors with
So I tried it when the document isn't 'activated' but that errors with
This KB ...
How do you guys display office documents in a form? (DOC / XLS / MSG)
I am using an OLE unbound frame but it is nasty, really nasty, and so wondered what others do to achieve this?
I can't draw a word / office object on the form as I don't reference the office library to ensure late...
Hi ,
I seem unable to find a list of OLE Class types?
How do I get an outlook message to display in an OLE frame?
What is the class type I need to stop it wanting to 'open' the file and display it instead?
Why do I seem unable to load an XLS file in an OLE unbound object frame?
I have an object frame (linked) called xls
I am using this code...
With Me.xls
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
.Class = "Excel.Sheet"
.SourceDoc =...
I seem stuck understanding how I get access to the windows explorer object and alter it.
I have a browser control on a form and I use the controlsource to navigate to a network folder.
How do I then interact with this, such as change the view or enable the preview pane?
My unbound...
I have a form with a browser control that lists files in network folder, but when I double click a file to open it I get a warning...
How do I stop these warnings?
I've added the internal server IP to trusted sites, I've added it to local intranet, but the warning continues, how do I...
I have a user that can log into our web app, but a certain page refuses to load.
It doesn't matter whether they use chrome or IE, both fail.
IE = Page cannot be displayed
Chrome = The server closed the connection without sending any data
I have logged in as this user on my machine and...
I have a user on Windows 10 and the Wifi & Ethernet keep resetting themselves.
I had it all working, Ethernet connected and reg-edited so it was showing as Private Network not Public, the user went away and the network has reset itself, so now he is on WiFi not Ethernet, the Ethernet shows...
I have an odd one with a shared mailbox.
The inbox is showing 13 items, yet there are only 8 items in the inbox.
3 users share this mailbox and they all show the same.
When you go to proprieties and the synchronisation tab is is showing 13 items on server and 13 items offline folder...
No mater how many times I tell Silverlight to 'Hide Update', next time round it's back trying to install itself.
Is there any way to stop this annoying update?
"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes...
I have office 2016 installed on a brand new machine and access 2010 runtime,
However, windows update refuses to let me update office.
If I got to Microsoft update it just tells me to run windows update from the start menu.
And the Windows update settings doesn't have a tick box to...
I have users who I have set up with IMAP on their Outlook.
However, when they create a sub folder or additional folder in Outlook, it is not showing in the cloud when web-mail is viewed in either Cube, Squirrel or Horde?
The folders don't show as (This Computer Only) in Outlook, so what...
MajP posted a link to advise someone to properly format their code and declare vars.
I was perusing the link, http://www.cpearson.com/excel/declaringvariables.aspx and found this..
IE don't declare a var as Dim myVar as New clsMyClass
How true is this? or should I say how bad is using this...
I'm building a new app, and want an audit trail table.
I have a CPD_Log table and when anyone adds, edits, uploads, deletes a records or file I want the CPD_Audit to record the user's action.
However, how can this work if you allow deletion of a CPD_Log record?
The Audit table has an FK...
I'm trying to set the filters on the filedialog as per the help example..
But when I use this syntax...
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
If Not IsMissing(cFilters) Then
With fd
For Each vFilter In cFilters.keys...
I have a class I built for sending emails, it works fine, however, I have come across an anomaly I cannot fathom.
Part of the funcitonality is to show a progress window, which is initialised as follows...
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Progress window
bShowProgress = True...
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