New to exchange, installed 03 server SP1 and exchange 03 SP1 and created test
email account to AD users and computers. I created a outlook email profile on my system
and under "Exchange Server Settings" added the name exchange.domain.local and jdoe to usr name.
When I chose...
given usr access via security permissions (full control) so that it can be imported (contacts). keep getting usr does not have permissions to access email.pst file and it lists the path.
with full control, made usr the owner, gave usr full from parent to pst file full control, any other...
Is there any easy fix for this. I created a user with one too many same char in a hurry. Usr already logged in, profile set.
Looking to see if anyone knows of anoth way to remedy this w/o me having to delete account and recreate. Usr does not have access to PST file because of miss spell last...
Trying to figure what went wrong. I get a "Naming information cannot be located: specified domain does not exist or can not be contacted" message.
System was fine yesterday, any suggestiosn?
Install V6 from their website after buying Back-UPS VS 900. Came in this morning and DC was unresponsive so I restarted. It does not go beyond "Applying Computer Settings" now. I have only waited 20 minutes before hard-booting into Safe Mode.
I have disabling APC agent and server in services...
I need help trouble shooting this system. Could not find exact problem on any other IBM forum. I have a Netvista desktop that was working fine. It had 2 PS/2 ext cables for the kboard and mouse.
Mouse connection came undone and user re-attached. Hard drive now keeps clicking and won't boot. I...
Running Server 2003 SBS on domain controller and 2003 standard on a member server I am installing exchange 03. I was wondering if anyone knew whether I had to do forest prep and domain prep on the member server in a 2003 sbs enviroment? If so, which system?
Trying to see if it is possible to VPN from work router to home (no router)? Router has no manuals and I am using XP Pro SP2. Can I do this w/o router to router enviroment?
Does anyone know how I can accomplish the following?
I would like to display a publication page containing company newsletter and annaul reports. Displaying them as a icon with the verbage "Click to download" underneath the icon.
Using it for the first time. Can anyone istruct me how to achieve the following? I have a page banner with a light blue background. It also has images scattered all over the background.
I am trying to get these images to have what I call a greyed out affect. I heard the term shadow, but an...
Trying to solve hardware problem with a no name computer that has a AMD 1700, 32 gig HDD using 256 sdram. Every once in awhile it will restart itself after displying the desktop . Took system off of its LAN to trouble shoot.
Looked in the event viewer, but nothing unusual is listed. There is a...
Though software related, I have 2k Pro and Xp Pro and thought this was the best place to start. I am looking to get opinions on diagnostic software for a hodge podge of systems.
Looking to see if there is software that can be installed in the background of the OS and alarm me if the memory...
Does anyone know if I have to run ForestPrep and DomainPrep and a 2003 server that I am joining it to a 2003 SBS domain? Installing it with a "MCSE Guide for Exchange server 03" to learn and later test out 70-284. I also plan to implememnt in september a real exhange server.
It states as if it...
Is there anyway for users to share their calendar if we are not using exchange server? I would like to have them save their calendars in a folder so that I can review them each month.
Only two solutions I have searched so far is exchange/public folders or software i.e WorkgroupShare and...
Need help establishing a home to work and vise versa connection. I have a speedstream router 2604 at home and a netgear 144p at work. I am hoping I can use these routers instead of putting 2 nics on the DC at work.
So far I am getting error 800, I have ping the DC and tried (cmd) telnet 1723...
I need help to try and find out what is wrong with this machine. It goes through POST and then when it should "boot" a screen which looks like a splash screen appears. It is grew in color (background) with small diagonal color squares on it.
I thought maybe it was affected by a virus, but that...
I am getting the following error when using the \connectcomputer and then clicking the link "Connect to the network now". When I click on the connect to network link the next page says "run the network wizard now" in bold.
On the bottom left there is a done with a exclamation on it. When I...
I am running Cat5 from ISP router located in a hallway to a room that is same floor/same building about 20 ft. to a new system that will run software firewall 2 nics.
Question, from router to first nic does it have to be cross over or straight thru? Second run..straiht thru to second nic...
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