Hi there,
Just looking for some opinions on what the recommended file size/fps for a flash app would be (per modem/processor speeds).
Our designers want some high end graphics, alphas, animations, etc, but... we really need it functional, smooth, and we need to cater to 'below the average...
Hi there,
In my application I have a container object (ContainerSquares) that has a number of smaller objects (Square). I create an instance of the container class on the main timeline, and create the instances of the squares inside of the container class. The Square object is a movieClip in...
Hi there,
My loadvars variables aren't setting through my include file. I have some error checking, and other things happening within that include file. The URL location for the sendAndLoad is the include file, and I need it to load the updated variables into another LoadVars Object (I tried...
Hi there,
I was just wondering if there was a fast way to pull the year/month/day out of a flash date? Most languages have date functions like this, but I can't find anything in flash?
Hi All,
I am reading information in from a database, creating an XML file from the record(s) and using that information to fill a datagrid in my flash app. The problem is that the database info is stored with HTML tags, if I don't use CData, flash sees these as xml child nodes, so I get...
I have a program that is written in asp.net that connects to any sql server table and creates an xml file out of the selected records in the table.
This works really well, but when the field is relatively big it can't build the xml document, it says it is missing an end element so the...
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