How Can I transfer a CABLE or ADSL connection onto a different computer or operating system. If I dont have the software provided to me by the owner of a PC except the username and password. Is there any other way transfer the icon from the previous machine to the new machine desktop. Is ther...
How to Connect 2 Different Windows 2000 Server with Exchange 2000 on a totally different site togather with Active directory syncronization. Whats the rule & how can this be done over a broadband connection with router on both side.
I have Windows 2000 Small Business Server . Its working fine except when I send emails out it is recieved at the other end as john@abc.local instead of dot com. What could be the problem. Thanks
We have a 6 Server
4) WINDOWS 2000 SQL 2000
6) WINDOWS 2000 Nortons Antivirus Server
All the above server are on a same IP segment.
I am unable to join on to a Windows 2000 AD domian from Windows 2000 pro Sp...
I have suddenly lost the CD ROM Drive on Windows NT 4 Server. Is there any services associated to start the CD ROM Drive. Or any other way I can get to see my CD Drive.
I am unable to browse my website. I can ping my IP address and It resolves to a right IP address. I can recieve email in exchange 2000 I can send email out but I am unable to browse my website. Is there anything that has to be done on router.
We have a Netware 5 server working only as file and print server. The server HArdware RAID is setup as RAID 0 and Software Novell 5.0 is setup as 2 mirrored drive. I want to upgrade the Hard disk from 20 GB to 70 GB SCSI. How can I do it. We have to do it urgently .Any Help would be appriciated...
I have installed a Windows 2000 Small Business Server. Its working fine. Except that I cannot browse the website from the Windows 2000 SBS server but I can browse from outside. (Different LAN or Dialup). Even the server client cannot browse for the website.
The Following server, services and...
I have a Windows 2000 SBS setup everything else is o.K except OWA is asking for password 3 times and then giving an error "error access is denied " the password that I use is the administrator password and I login with this password. It looks like it a ISA problem but I cant figure it out what...
I have an exchange 2000, we regularly send out bulk emails from different workstation running outlook 2000. Is there anyway I can block one domain from recieving any emails sent out from our domain to that particular domain.Example blocking from Exchange 2000 at ABC corp any email going to xyz.corp
I have a Small Business Server 2000 with Exchange and ISA 2000 I have configuired the VPN server as per the article from Microsoft site. But when I try to access the VPN server through internet I get to the point "verifying username and password" and then disconnected error 721 " The remote...
Can someone tell me the best CBT to learn ISA 2000 0r ISA 2004. I am not worried about the price.
These are the few companies that I have found
CDI Communications
CBT Nuggets
I want to setup 2 NIC on Windows 2000 Server. What would be the IP Address Assignment on both Card. Public and Private.
Here IS What I setup as :
Router Blank
NIC 1...
I want to setup 2 Network card with ISA server. I dont know how to configuire the IP address and setup the DHCP server for which IP address.Here is the way I have set it up.
Router NB5580W Netcomm Router
Windows 2000 Server with Exchange First NIC)
Second NIC (...
I have setup an ISA server. But when I try to login from client I get a user login screen and I am only able to login as an administrator, How can I enable login as a client. Thanks
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