I have one pix with a static address, then 2 sonicwalls with dynamic IP as the public IP's
Is there a way to create a VPN tunnle with a pix and sonicwall when the sonicwall is using DHCP for its wan IP
I have one pix with a static address, then 2 sonicwalls with dynamic IP as the public IP's
Is there a way to create a VPN tunnle with a pix and sonicwall when the sonicwall is using DHCP for its wan IP
When i make a call thorugh the soft phone to another regular phone ,when i pick up it says "warning you are now being recorded"
Any idea how to get it to work
Im using the IP office with analog trunks
inside we use the digital phones
when i try to confrence people inside i can only confrence up to 4 people
these are inside people so not using any trunks
I reset the digi 30 moudle now ; before what was happing the red light would come on, I have repalce the cables and reset it , now the green light comes back on and shows up under the control unit, but still doesnt work, there is power going to the unit , and one last thing i can think of when...
32 didital port
not sure what happend but now my 2 modules wont pick up
in the config the ata16 and the 32port one
my phones are down lol
the call moniter show tlb instruction error avaya.
was reading about the upgrade should fix this , but why i wonder wont the modules pick up...
I have the atm16 analog module , I have no problems setting up for incoming , to go do the digital phones.
using IPoffice
Isssue that im having is when i pick up the phone to dial out it just picks a radom trunk ,
any one know how to just pickup the phone and have it use the analog trunk...
Is there anywere i can find info on how long our IP office pbx was up, yesterday we had some lost calls and wondering to see if this was due by some one rebooting the pbx.
I have 2 exchange servers one has 2 gigs free the other has 50 gigs free.
Will moving mailboxes over to the other server , will this free up space.
I just moved a cuple thoruhg active dir exchange tasks but didnt seem to clear up any..
Any one ever do it this way and no if it works
I just transfred 50 numbers over from one t1 to our pbx's t1 line
To add these new numbers is it just adding them under the incoming callroute and match the right line group ID ??
i put 3 phones in a hunt group with ring as a group and then hands free awnser; but it didnt work so good as a speaker system
is there any way i can use the ipoffice phones to kick in to speaker for an intercom system.
Confrence center software ;
right now when we book a confrence , the ipoffice will call us but we cannot call into the confrence , it comes up confrence failure on the voicemail server ;
The only thing we change was moved the confrence server to a dmz , but moved it back again.
any ideas on...
whats going on is , when the i use VCN for the confrece
it only rings twice and if you dont get it on the frist ring it hangs up also as soon as you pick up the voice is allready started playing , is there a way to have it ring more than twice
Thanks for your help
Iv gotten it to work, with incoming and outgoing but it when i perss the frist button on the phone it picks a radom trunk to dial
is there a way to progam the buttons so , i will pick the line you want eg :button 1 = line1 button 2= line 2 and so on
aslo is there a way to have have the...
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