are there any improvements in zenworks from netware 6 to netware 6.5?
is there anything that changed from 6 to 6.5 that you don't like?
ccna, ccda
will netware 6.5 give me increased admin capabillities over remote access (over netware 6 or 5)?
or are the three versions ,for the most part, the same in that area?
ccna, ccda
dose anyone know the passing score for the troubleshooting exam?
and dose anyone have any last minute study tips for the test? (subjects to hit hard, protocols that are asked about alot and so on...)
thank you
ccna, ccda
i need a good book to study for the network+ exam, and i'm looking for recommendtions on books. i've downloaded the objectives from the comptia web site, but all the books i've looked thought don't seem to cover all of the objectives.
thank you
I'm in a cisco remote access class. The lab we are doing sets up 4 ISDN BRI (seprate 2600 routers) to dial a PRI. We get connectings estaplished between all 4 BRIs at all layers, but when we try to ping the diffrent routers one of them doses not respond to the requests. I tried a "debug ip...
I'm just getting started in unix certs, and would like some
recommendations as to books or web sites that would be helpful. I am a unix user but I'm intrested in networking. I already have my CCNA and I'm working on the CCNP right now (have passed 640-503 advansed routing).
when a interface is split into 3 subinterfaces and split horizon is on.
an update is recived though subinterface 1. now split horizon will not allow the data recived though the interface to be sent back out that interface. but will the updat recived on subinterface 1 be sent to subinterfaces 2...
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