Hello hello. We have Starplus DHS with Dispatch voicemail. The other night due to a storm our power went out for at least 3 hours. Wiped out our voicemail. When I hit FEA 64 or MSG to access the voicemail it says NO VM PORT. So, there is nothing. We have tried turning it on and then off...
Hi all, its me again. This week's problem:
We have three company lines. Line 3 is our dedicated fax line. Is there a way I can shut the voicemail off on that company line because we have a feeling its interfering with our ability to receive faxes. Using Starplus DHS with Dispatch.
Hi. I'm back. The other problem was fixed. Now, the new one. When I get a call for my boss and try to transfer it to her line it says "BTN Unavailable" and won't let me transfer. However, I can transfer calls into her voicemail. We've never had this particular problem before. Any ideas...
Hi. I am using a Starplus DHS with Dispatch voicemail. I turned Auto Attendant on and now can not access voicemail at all. If an incoming call is not answered the automated voicemail voice comes on and says..."please hold while I transfer you to etc" and no transfer takes place, it eventually...
In an attempt to have one company line be auto attendant and go directly to a designated line I somehow directed all incoming calls to that line. Now, I am not able to access voicemail, which means I can't access administrator codes(fea64) without it ringing to specified line for auto...
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