Newbie question here... I've seen a few other threads deal with this issue, but no answers I've been able to use or understand.
I'm using Wise for Windows Installer v 5.1 - Standard Edition.
I want to write the application path to a key in the registry I'm creating during...
I'm not sure if this is more a vb question or Crystal reports question.
I'd like to launch a report by clicking a button on some application. I wrote a small vb app to do this, but had to include a form with "show report" and "close" buttons on it so the report...
I've just seen a reference to Ken Hamady, and I'm very interested! Has anyone downloaded his Quick Reference to Crystal Reports in VB? It's only $16, and I'm wondering if I should do it.
Thanks for any input!
Hi all,
I'm new to using Crystal Reports, and don't have any reference materials except the internet and some code that was handed off to me.
I have a small vb app that can show a Crystal Report. It works fine on my computer (Windows XP Pro) and an NT computer at the end-user's office...
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