I have a report that needs to be ran by schedule. So I need to set the time range to the first date of the year to the current date in Command. Here is what I am doing, but does not work in command:
register_date between date(year(currentdate),1,1) and sysdate
date(year(currentdate),1,1) works...
I am not quire sure which Crystal Report forum I should post my questions.
I haven't worked on Crystal Report for a while. Recently I have a Crystal Report which is created from Crystal Report 11 and set in SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.1 Support Pack 3
Version: The...
I am a general excel user, rarely use formula or functions. Now I need create a drop down list in my spread sheet, when the user select one from the list, a value is set on the cell (what are listed are not the values set in the cell).
For example, the drop down list list all the states...
Hi All,
I have a field which suppose should store time, but instead they all are integers. For example, 1400 is 2:00 pm, 1100 is 11:00 am, 930 is 9:30 am,etc. Now in my report, I need to display them as Time. How can I display 1100 as 11:00 am, 1400 as 2:00 pm. I tried to use Text Box...
Hi All,
I need to select data from a table, process them, then insert into a new table.
When I just select, I used case to process the data, and found out that is not working the way I expected.
I select ID which is the key, the records are group by ID. Each field might have two values, one is...
Hi All,
I need add a parameter which it is the year into the report, then pass it to a stored procedure, then sp passes it to a function. In the function, base on the Year user selects, for example, Year 2014, value is 14, the set up the start date and end date for each quarter (the company's...
Hi All,
I need a total amounts from a column which is also sum of other columns. How can I do it?
select sum(coalesce(payment1,payment2)) payment
from mytable1 t1
left join mytabel2 t2 on ti.id1=t2.id1
where ...
group by ..
Now I need total of payment, how can I do it?
Thank you so much for...
Hi All,
I left join two tables, need keep all the records in first table, but also need check the the date field in second table if the date field is not null. Since some records in first table are not in the second table,those records have no date field, when I check the date field, those...
I have a report that checks if providers review the patient medications in certain visits.
The first group in the report is provider, second group is patient, and third group is visit. In each visit, the report compare the number of reviewed medications with the active medications that...
I am having a very odd issue in uploading reports from InfoView.
I always upload my Crystal Report to Crystal Enterprise (XI release 2) and worked fine. Recently we need modified some reports, after modification I can't upload one group of reports (actually is one report separated by...
I need schedule a report in CMC and I need choose "Use custom database logon information specified here", then "Specify a custom driver". How can I find out the "custom driver" that my reports use?
I use Crystal Report 2011, BOE 11.5
Thank you for any helps!!
I need create a report that provides the percentage of patients who had the most recent blood pressure in standard for each Doctor. That means the report will show, for example, Dr. A has 10 patients, pt A has 3 blood pressures in a time period, the report needs check the most current blood...
I have a query that need to be run every month. The time range in the query is from today’s date go back 24 month. For example, if I run it on 11/01/2012, then it will look like this.
d.timestamp >= {ts '2010-11-01 00:00:01'} AND d.timestamp <{ts '2012-11-01 00:00:01'})
Now I have to...
Hi All,
I need write a query that will return a filed which base on the calculation of the data. Here is how I did it, but I didn’t get what I want.
select Distinct t1.person_id, case when( sum(t1.Result)>0 ) then 'Y' else 'N' end AS 'Satus'
select Distinct person_id,
case when...
I have a report which displays 27 fields, group by person and show three most current value bases on three different dates. It takes 30 mines to run for only one month data. My user requests one year data. But for one month, the report has already went through 3 million records since the...
I am working on a report which needs to show the information in patient’s most current appointment. So I group the patient, and then sort appointment date decently, show all data in the Group Header. But the problem is that I also need to have patient’s most current lab test showing. Some...
Hi everyone,
I have a report. I need to show the patients the most current test results. I group the patient as group 1, then group the result time as group 2. And sort decent. But each patient has more than one result in the same day. If I show all the info (Name, DOB etc.) in the group 2...
Hi all,
I think this should be a simple issue, but I am doing it in a tedious way.
The B-date in my database a string in this format "yyyymmdd", such as "20111209". Since my report need to compare it to the current date, so I need a date value. I have tried cDate and other functions, but I got...
I have about two hundreds of Crystal Reports which are run automatically and saved to a share folder. Now we need to save those reports directly to the SharePoint server, then user can view them from SharePoint site.
My question is if it is possible?
Thank you so much for any response!!
I have problem on saving the reports on CE again.
This time I am tring to set the reports run automatically and save to unmanaged disk. afer enable "unmanaged disk" on "destination Server" and "Crystal Reports Job Server". I got the error:"login error. CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged...
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