Using Crystal SQL Designer(32) For Windows Version 8
Need help with what the exact Version of SQL that this is based on so that I know what statements are acceptble.
Is anyone aware of a good reference source for learning Crystal SQL Designer?
Many Thanks
Using Crystal Reports Professional Version 9.2
Tried to delete the formula @balance, yet Crystal shows the following message.
"The field @balance is being used in the report. Deleting it will remove it from the report canvas."
So, I then in Design mode deleted all formulas,groups,selection and...
In SQL Database using Crystal V9 I am trying to show time field RT_TIME correctly which is stored in the database as a number field so that 150759 I want to show as 3:07:59 PM Which is the best formula to use
I have a report that lists 20 customers which I want to modify to show total sales based on the parent customer (though not all customers have parents). In the SQL database it would appear as follows:
Cust1 100.00
Started using Crystal in SQL database info as follows-
SQL Database - Crystal Version 9 One Table named GM
Output Expected is as follows
GLAccount AccountName TotalAccount TotalDesc
300.1005.00 Petty Cash 300.1025.00 Cash Assets
This information is stored in the GM table as...
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