The receptionist at the console want to leave a voicemail message for extension 143. She hits the ( * + the extension number) then the LCD screens says *143 Ringing. It should say *143 Mailbox? Looks like all is setup in Hunt groups okay but I can't find a way to enter Hunt...
Voicemail is out of service on all phone extensions, other than that phone are working fine. Can't log into voicemail via web interface. Get internal system error message. How do I stop and start voicemail via telnet? Using Mitel 3300CX.
Trying to add voicemail ext 202 to one of my 5330 ip phones. Mitel CX 3300. In Call Routing form there no entry for *202. So I can't reroute *202 to voicemail. How do I add *202 to the Call Routing form? What form do I use?
I want to set the receptionist's calls (ext. 100) to go to voicemail if she steps away for a moment. Right now calls ring and are not answered if she is not there. Her voicemail is set up and has a message. How do I set this up? Searched forums and could not find anything. Mitel 3300 CX Controller.
Is there a way to temporarily set up call forwarding through the Mitel 3300 ICP. One of my teleworkers is at a different extension this week and he didn't set up call forwarding through his 5330 IP phone.
I have a Mitel 3300 CX Controller and 5330 IP Phones. I set up a new phone and extension at 142. Everything works fine except when I hit *142 to get directly into the voice mail. I get the message OUT OF SERVICE. Any idea what's wrong?[sadeyes]
Mitel 3300 & 5330 IP Phones
When I dial one of my companies extensions I get the message on my phone "Call Me Back". Phone I called is NOT on do not disturb. Phone rings and the person answers normally. Can I turn off this message and if so how? What forms would I use? All other phone...
I need to assign a DID (direct dial number) to a new extension. Does anyone know what forms to use and the intructions. Also how do I find out if I have any free DID not being used? [ponder]
Is there anywhere were I can buy just the LCD screen for a Mitel 5330 IP Phone? I changed one that I had from a broken phone. They are very easy to change. Just need to locate someone who sells the LCD screens.
We have a direct phone number going to one Mitel 5330 phone extension. The line is not going through the receptionist. The person using the number has been abusing her privileges. Management wants to take away that direct line from her extension. How would I do that?
Using Mitel 3300 ICP
I have a Mitel 3300 ICP. On the receptionist console (5524 IP phone) I have a Messages Phonebook on the LCD display. Voicemail lights are blinking. When I try to hear messages phone, calls ext. 117
Any idea hot to clear this? [ponder]
I using a Mitel 3300IP and Mitel 5330 IP Phone. I'm trying to transfer a call directly to voicemail without the user's extension ringing and her answering the extension. I hit (transfer * 141) the call transfers to the extension. It rings the extension but doesn't transfer directly to voicemail...
The receptionist at the console want to leave a voicemail message for extension 141. She hits the (transfer button + * + the extension number) then the LCD screens says invalid.
This is the only extension it doesn't work for. All other extensions work fine. I also tried it from may extension to...
Mitel 3300 IPC & 5330 IP Phones.
Is it possible to set up two phones to ring at the same time? One that is a teleworker and 1 phone that is in the office. We have a teleworker that wants to have two phones 1 home 1 office to ring at the same time. Two different extension numbers
I was thinking...
I'm trying to set up and new 5330 IP Phone for extension 122. I added the MAC Address which I got off the bottom of the new phone to the user System Configuration > Devices > User Configuration form and connected the phone to the network. The phone is not recognized by the network and it times...
I have a CAP running at the attendants station. One of the buttons is programmed wrong. How do I reprogram that button to the right extension number?
I did not see anything in system coordinator guide about it.
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