Have three companies all part of the same group...
Have been told should be able to setup email forwarding for the three sites but can't get it to work at the moment.
domaingroup.com as example, john.smith@domaingroup.com is in location 1, so have MX record and 'A' entry for...
Have a domain A SQL Server 2005 WGE is fine, demote to work group still there, but when I boot it in to Domain B instance of SQL is no longer there...
How do I fix this? Thanks
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Confussed didn't think that you could have a second DC in a SBS 2003 domain, and yet the only way you can add AD to the 2008 server is to use dcpromo???
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
We have G5 Dual 1.8Ghz Power PC with 768 RAM running 10.3.9 that keeps losing it's internet connection when working on the network the message I get is:
a network error has occured: timed out (-1001) make sure you can connect to the internet, then try again.
Does anyone have any clues?
When I open Photoshop on my mac it starts to open then comes up with message 'Unexpectedly Quits' any clues?
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Have VNC installed on remote clients and the moment I install Symantec VPN and the computer is rebooted I can no longer connect. Have the problem with NT boxes and XP boxes.
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
I have managed to 'ssh' to my OS X server, have managed to copy a DMG file using 'sftp'. Have managed to expand the file. How to I now run the '.app' file?
Trying to install VNC, so that I can set the rest of the server up.
Many Thanks.
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Trying to decided if to install an OS X Server or an MS Exchange server, does any one have an experence of installing OS X server and the mail software on the server? Any thoughts would be great. Thanks in advance.
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Running OS X 10.2.8 with all updates, all of a suddern all my programs will not work. I just get the message "The application 'name of app' has unexpectedly quit.
Any ideas?
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Have a windows ME machine, have installed word along with SP3 but when you open word the whole machince hangs. The mouse works but nothing else. The is a Microsoft Word only install from a works cd.
Any clues? Cheers
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
I currently brought a licence to Miva and I have a design templete that I would like to use. I would like someone to put it all together for me, is this possable? I would also need payment method setup.
Any help would be great, If anyone knows anyone who can do this it would be great. I know it...
Have a G4 mac that want boot, it gives the lovely chime to start booting then three bongs and the power light flashs a couple of times.
The HDD is ok have taken it out and pulled work off on another machine.
Has been fine for months, has had no changes to it.
Any clues?
If you can't fix it...
Have just install two Netgear device, both work great. One is a firewall with VPN installed within it.
Does any one know of free OS 8.5 and above VPN client software? I know that it is free on OS X but not everyone is running OS X.
Many Thanks
If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone...
Hello Guys and Girls,
Have a client running 8.5 on a imac one of the first. When you reboot the machine it losses the time and date. Back to 1954!!
I remember there was a fixs for this, can any one remember this???
Thanks If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
Have setup a client and I get the following error when the machine syc's:
09:15:52 Synchronizing Mailbox 'mailboxs name'
09:15:52 Synchronizing Hierarchy
09:15:53 Synchronizing Favorites
09:15:53 Synchronizing Folder 'Inbox'
09:15:57 Error synchronizing folder
09:15:57 [80004005-501-0-550]...
Rebooted my NAV server yesturday and now when it bootsup I get an error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error
Program: d:\WINNT\System32\MMC.EXE
Adnormal program termination
Symantec System Center Console.
Anyone have any Ideas?!? If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call...
Have a client of mine that when they inport an image in to quark or an image that is already in quark, if you move the image within a 1mm of the edge of the left hand side of the picture boxes quark freezes.
Have deleted prefs and rebult desktop and run Norton disk doctor.
Any one come accross...
OK new to flash, really like learning all that the program has to offer.
Could do with a bit of help! I know this has got to be an easy question to those in the know, so here we go...
Have created a scene with text for buttons, have setup the buttons so when you go to click them, sorry if you...
Just a couple of things I have found:
1. Some JPEG files will appear under picture usage, but when printed MOVE!!!
2. Duatone Images may print Negitive. If you can't fix it in 20 minutes call someone who can.
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