I know that this will be very easy for you guys...
Private Declare Sub MyFunction Lib "MyDLL.dll" (ByVal MyParameter As String) As Integer
Private Sub TestFunc...
I know that this will be very easy for you guys...
Private Declare Sub MyFunction Lib "MyDLL.dll" (ByVal MyParameter As String) As Integer
Private Sub TestFunc...
i am confused on what programming language will i choose when i want to learn networking.. somebody told me it was java but i think it'll be better if it would be C/C++. VB?.. What i want is when i create a program using this language, i could understand what are structures and what's going on...
I cannot detect my HDD. That often happens (but not always) when i use my pc usually at night time. The first time it happened was when i moved in to other apartment. One thing i noticed, when we moved in, is that my monitor display was not as quite as good as before. I think it was just...
hi everyone!!!
I want to know how to make communication between Visual Basic 6.0 and VC++ using dll. Does anyone know what's the best tutorial site for this?
hi guys! please help me with this problem on my pc just happened this morning. it's a problem on my mouse that when i move it over, even just a little bit, it will do some strange stuff like jumpin to start menu, acting like i am clicking the right button or the left button, opening some...
Hello there! I have problem, you see, my computer keeps shutting down whenever i get connected to the internet. I am using a dial-up connection to get connected... I dont really know what struck my computer... i dont know what to do... I know it's just a typical kind of glitch for you guys but...
can somebody convert this code (c/c++) into a command button function?:
void *p;
char str[256];
p = &str;
printf ("str's address is: %x", p);
-> what i actually want...
Is there any way to use win32 APIs in VB??? what i mean is importing and using it.if there is, would you please give a very simple code... thanks
how can i create process on C/C++ using win apis??? i used CreateProcess but it didnt worked... is there any alternative function when im using c/c++ importing win apis?thanks....
i want to sent command over the network... what site shuld i go to for my reference?i created a program that will create a file over the network using win32 apis but it didnt worked...
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