We use the IF NOT QUEUED intrinsic as a safety valve
to catch calls that for whatever reason don't get queued.
Can anyone tell me if this is valid for both local and
network calls or do I need to separately test each?
81c with Succession 3.0 and Symposium 5.0.
We somewhat regularly get calls where two agents are connected to an incoming call. Generally only one has full audio and call control. It happens when the same 800 inbound number is called exactly at the same time from two different locations.
We're successfully running the classic client on many pcs at our locations. We bought a handful of new pcs and can't get the client to operate properly on them. We get application errors on most of the real time stuff. Both old & new are windoze XP. We run client 4.01.07 rev 6 on most and we...
For those using MIRAN: What is the ratio you use for RAN vs Music ports? I'm getting ready to install MIRAN and have been thinking maybe we should have more Music than RAN.
We have an intermittent happening in Symposium. Occasionally an agent is not recognized as being logged in therefore the call is (mis)routed accordingly. Our admin folks have a bad habit of making changes to agent profiles 'on the fly' and I'm wondering if that is a clue. Anyone else experienced...
81c with Symposium 4.2
I'd like to make use of the cdr info that comes directly from the switch. Because of our traffic volume the data badly overruns the existing tty port. I could add another port but that seems like a halfway solution. I don't have OTM. Anybody who could tell me how to get...
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