I'm working on a Python (3.7) script to download an Excel (XLSX) file from within Sharepoint.
I've tried using the 'requests' module, as well as the 'Office365-REST-Python-Client' module, without success. I'm unable to open the downloaded file using Excel, the error message indicates that the...
I'm working on a Web application developed using the Spring framework, version 3.1.0.
I have a JSP page containing a form which allows the user to select a country from a SELECT dropdown listbox. Submitting the form is supposed to run a database query and return the same JSP page which includes...
Hello, everyone. I'm currently maintaining a Java Web application that allows the user to search across a number of different wikis. There is a requirement to perform a wiki availability check within a servlet (*) every so often, say every 30 minutes, and this check is being done by a class that...
Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on creating a stateless session bean for a Web application running under WebSphere? I'm using WebSphere 7 and STS 2.7.2.
I'm trying to run the main() method of a class contained within a JAR file. Here's the error message I get:
Exception in thread "main" Could not find the main class: com.mycompany.package1.MyClass. Program will exit.
Here's what the manifest file looks like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0...
I have some JavaScript that processes data returned from a Web service call:
var jsonObject = eval('obj=' + data);
var result = jsonObject['GetOffices']['offices'];
The value of the 'result' variable is:
[{"streetAddress":"1501 Main...
I have a JSP page that calls a Web service, and a JSON string is returned, which looks like this:
{"GetCustomerInfo": {"val": "Joe Schmoe"}}
How can I get the value of "val", using JavaScript?
I'm using the XQuery API, and I need help writing the query for the XQSequence object.
My XML document has a root element named 'SensorML', which has a single child element named 'member', which has a single child element named 'System'.
My query for the XQSequence object looks like this...
I need help validating an XML file against its associated XSD file. Here's the beginning of the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sps:Capabilities version="1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sps spsGetCapabilities.xsd"...
Hello all,
I need some help with creating an XSL stylesheet for a SensorML document in which the elements include namespace prefixes.
After I modify the SensorML document to reference my XSL stylesheet and try to view the document in Firefox, I get the following error message:
XML Parsing...
I have several data entry pages in my Web application, and they have textboxes that need to appear when their labels are clicked, and disappear when their labels are double-clicked. I'm using JavaScript to make this happen, but for some reason, the only way I can enter any text into a textbox is...
I have a 1000+-line file of SQL INSERT statements for loading a table. I can copy-and-paste 30 lines from the file into SQL*PLUS at a time, and that works, but I'd rather just open the file in SQL*PLUS directly and load the table directly. But the table doesn't get loaded at all, even though...
Maybe one of you can help me figure out what's wrong with the following shell script I wrote earlier today, it's supposed to change directory to the 'ams' application subdirectory, and then print out the name of every file in this subdirectory, as well as display any and all lines within each...
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