I'm exporting Hex values out to disk. Everytime I do it, it comes out backwards..
ulong [] FontData = new ulong[1];
private void writeData()
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"c:\DATA.DAT",FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write))...
I'm working with a lot of year ranges and in the end they need to be "StartYear - EndYear".
So the following would data..
Sandra 1972
Sandra 1973
Sandra 1974
Sandra 1975
Sandra 1976
Johnny 2000
Johnny 2001
Johnny 2002
Johnny 2003
would in the end be:
Sandra 1972-1976
Johnny 2000-2003
I'm working with a lot of year ranges and in the end they need to be "StartYear - EndYear".
So the following would data..
Sandra 1972
Sandra 1973
Sandra 1974
Sandra 1975
Sandra 1976
Johnny 2000
Johnny 2001
Johnny 2002
Johnny 2003
would in the end be:
Sandra 1972-1976
Johnny 2000-2003
I have a C# ASP.NET application that has a Main Page with 3 ASCX controls. Each control has a text box and a link button associated with it.
Since they are all part of the same form, they can all create a postback. In the click event for each ascx file (on their linkbutton) I modify a public...
I've created a toobar using a UL and LI's that run accross the screen (display: inline;)
in each li there is a link (ahref)
I've got on each link a left edge image, middle section rerpeating image and right edge image.
the middle section is set to repeat over x
so it should look like...
Anyone know how to detect other open applications opening dialog boxes etc?
I have a program that is controlling other applications and I want to be able to detect if a particular app opens a file dialog box and take appropriate action.
There is something rotten going on here. I had a segment of code that was working perfectly and recently it started acting funny -- and no matter what I do it doesnt want to act at all like it should nor can I figure out what is going on.
The problem...
The code is for an article to XML (for...
Is it possible to trap keyboard events like CTRL-S in an explorer webpage?
Does anyone have any code snippets or a pointer in the right direction?
I've seen the AccessKey Property, but it only seems to navigate to the point where that control is and give it focus. I want to be able to use...
I am working on an app that needs to call and aspx page and that page needs to return raw xml data/text.
So calling on xmldata.aspx would return a DB dump in raw text xml.
This is the code so far, but I do not know how to make the xml return as pure xml, not xml text dumped into and html page...
The problem at hand is that I have a Repeater control looping through a sql table creating image buttons. In the aspx file I have a databinder pulling the image location, but it keeps dumping the text as a literal text chunk as opposed to data fromthe database..
<asp:Repeater id="RepeaterIcon"...
I've probably implemented this wrong or have something in the wrong order. When I use code below, the session variable doesn't get updated properly.
When the code first runs there is no session, when you select a language from the drop down the code fires to update the session variable and...
Not that its affecting my web page (everything compiles fine), but the warnings that pop up in the Visual Studio task/output list (and underlined text) is driving me nuts. Somethings wrong but I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. Here is an example warning.
The active schema does not...
I've been useing URL variables with reasonable amount of success -- but I am unsure how to detect if a URL variable has been declared other than sifting through the header manually. In other lnaguages like Cold Fusion I could use somehting like:
I am using url variables for...
I've been wrestling with C#/.net web content for the last while, bought crateloads of books and read gig's of websites... So many ways of dealing with page navigation to DB connections to CSS to everything else. So I thought about starting a Best Practices thread -- what people believe are the...
I've been using Coldfusion and the older version ASP -- I am trying to adapt a current site (as I know the content well) to C#/ASP.NET.. When it comes to all the Datagrid controls etc, things seem to work great.. but when I need to make dynamic controls or build menu's etc I am finding tough to...
If I use the code quoted below, I get a clean interface in IE 6. The header is the right size and the tabnav buttons are attached to the header/title bar. In an Mozilla type browser the layout goes to the birds.
In IE6 if I have a container DIV with a width set, any other content inside of that...
I have an Inventory Spreadsheet that I need to compare vesrus an older version, problem is that the newer version has multiple item entries inside it when the older one has them condensed..
Old NewItems Reformed/Condensed
---- ----- ------------------
MX101 1...
Windows XP with Office 2002, IE6.1
P4 1.8g with 256 megs ram (Dell Box and default Dell Install)
This has happened before (on another PC) and the only way around it was to wipe the machine. Here is the delimma:
Open up any website that has Javascript in the page. It seems Javascript is not...
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