Thanks once again for all the help you have provided on these forums, thought about sending you another box of apples, but it's not the right time of the year (a few months before the harvest, older apples).
Someone messed with the IP schema, and I used your **3 and hyperterm method to...
Good day to everyone!
HX5000/MiVoice Office 250
I am looking to add four UVM port license to our existing four UVM port license. I figured enabling the additional ports would require installing a new license file. Dealer says a bit of programming is required as well. Does anyone know...
I have a few Partner ACS I installed and the company still uses. One remote office has a Partner ACS R6, but the ACS card/box looks like an older card/box (I didn't install it.) I am wondering if Caller ID would pass to the display phones even if the ACS card/box is an older card/box...
The company I work for has FAX machines are connected to an analog extensions on a Mitel HX 5000 5.1.20. I recently discovered that when a FAX machine is receiving or sending a FAX, a second call to the same FAX number will not see a busy signal, just the normal ringing. Since the second call...
Just had a server die, data is backed up, so no worries there.
Print Ques were on the server that died. Is there any chance the System State option on BUE 12.5 was backing up information needed to restore the print ques?
Is there any way to recover the print ques?
Tomorrow is going...
I was trying to connect to a Partner ACS Rel 6.85.J, same system I have connected to in past without a problem. I discovered (after much head banging) that one of my trusty, will always connect, modems had died. Grabbed another modem I had around, same model. Wouldn't connect. Checked...
Here is a twist on an old problem--I can't connect to a Partner ACS Rel 7.91.K. This morning I swapped a 206 Rel 4.1 for a 308 (might be a 3.0.) I was able to connect without a problem before the swap, but unable to connect after the swap.
System before swap, from left to right, was...
Hello everyone!
I have a ACS Rel 5 that is having problems, going to purchase a new ACS, and maybe have the Rel 5 repaired for a spare.
I remember when Rel 7 was rolled out, and there a "few" problems. So I am wondering if I should purchase a Rel 7 or Rel 8. Has anyone had a problems with...
Thanks for all the help and the wealth of knowledge in this forum.
Company has a Partner ACS R7.91.K, with Partner Messaging R1. After reading for a while on this forum, I suspect I am trying to accomplish the impossible, forward an extension no answer to an outside number using...
System is a Partner ACS 7.91.e, according to the PC Diagnostics. One of our subdivisions wanted to forward calls from the extension to cell phone. Set it up, seemed to work. Then I noticed both lines had not disconnected after 6 minutes. Searched the forum and found we probably need...
The sales guys are complaining about query speed, on MS Access. Database is running on dedicated server, programer tells me no changes in past week to query's.
I am seeing network utilization on the server at 40-55% when running a query. Query's taking 3-4 minutes instead of 60-90...
I have a Partner ACS R1 that I picked up cheap, power supply was burnt, replaced and since replacement, it won't boot, just sits there clicking away. I have powered the ACS directly, not in a carrier.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any help and ideas,
I have read numerous threads about problematic remote connection, and see two ways to solve the situation. One, install external modem on system extension, or use external modem on computer you are connecting from.
Question: Anybody had any luck with PCMCIA USRobotics modems? I would...
History...skip two paragraphs if you want....
My bosses had a bite in the rear the other day, employee left and erased some files. Higher ups didn't discover erased files for 8 days. And the higher ups were told backups for employee My Docs were only one day deep.
Company doesn't...
Hello all,
I have had soooo much fun trying to download from the ACS 7. Tried via laptop modem, and as frequently happens, no joy. Tried a Zoom external modem from on and off site, and am I able to connect rarely.
Hooked up via serial, and I do connect, able to tell the ACS to backup, but...
This is really related to Partner systems, question is in last paragraph. Sorry for being long winded, appreciate any help.
Have a Partner ACS5, connected to a Valcom V-2006A. Paging quality is great from an office. From the warehouse floor (very noisy), it's horrible. Installed a...
Have an ACS R5, with two 206 (left to right, 206,206,ACS,) and now when I dial ext 777 from ext 11, it rings but doesn't answer. It has answered previously, but removed the module, for a while, and now when I reinstall it, faced with the no answer situation.
This unit has never been...
Have location with an ACS 5, will remove the 5 and install a new 7 (5 is going to a different location.)
Am I correct that I cannot download from the ACS 5 and upload to the 7?
The current system has a Partner Mail (I think that's the card, need to check) with a four port PCMCIA...
The pain of NT4 is growing, as I try to install NT4 server on a Dell PowerEdge with a Sata raid. Gave up on that, tried an Promise IDE raid card, and it's slow going.
I spent a few hours reading the forum, looks like one way to move is small steps...member servers while keeping the NT...
Hello All,
Thought I had posted this an hour ago, but don't see it, hope I am not reposting.
Currently remote office has a Merlin 2, which is a pain in the but for me. Lost programing, can't program via PC, etc..
The group has 4 lines, five extensions and a two fax machines. They don't have...
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