I am calling this function with chkQ("document.responses.q1") and my form has a set of radio buttons named q1. The for loop runs the correct number of times but the var rad_val is always undefined?
function chkQ (id) {
for (var i=0; i < id.length; i++)
if (id[i].checked)...
I am trying to get the following code to work.
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var getScore = ExternalInterface.call("parent.SCORM_GetDataChunk");
var susData = getScore.split("=")[1];
veiwData = susData.split("|",1);
arrVisited = veiwData.split(",");
I have a MACRO that clears out the data from and repopulates a months worth of dates in a time sheet spreadsheet.
I need to hide the weekend columns, row 6 of each column is populated with the day of the week.
What I would like to do is loop through all of the columns in a given range and...
I am trying to build a progress indicator that I can dynamically change with javascript.
Currently I have the following in the document.
<div id="ind_head">10%</div>
<div id="ind_10"></div>
<div id="ind_head">20%</div>
<div id="ind_20"></div>
And the css
div#ind_10, div#ind_20{
Has anyone had any experience of installing the W3C validator locally?
We develop xhtml e-learning modules and have to provide evidence of W3C validation for every page.
This is fine when we do it online by upload for a project with only a few pages but some can have many many more than that.
I have the following code that I post a form to with 2 submit buttons. One has the value Save and the other Print.
If the user selects the Print button the page correctly loads, the print dialogue opens & after printing the page correctly closes. However if the user selects Save, even though...
I have the following code that I post a form to with 2 submit buttons. One has the value Save and the other Print.
If the user selects the Print button the page correctly loads, the print dialogue opens & after printing the page correctly closes. However if the user selects Save, even though...
I am trying to allow users to "tab" onto a Flash object embedded in a page using SWFObject(client dictates we use this method).
IN IE the user is able to tab onto the Flash object and then around various navigation elements in the movie.
However in Firefox the user has to first select the object...
I have been looking at the code to save a text file from a flash object. I managed to find a script that nearly does it all for me but I would like to have the user asked where to save the file and what to call it by bringing up the Browse dialogue. The code I have already is below does anyone...
Can I reference a cell in a named region using the name and row?
Something like:
where myCol is the named region and 11 obviously refers to row 11 in that region
Cheers for any help
I am trying to use getURL to link to a word doc. The file info will be taken from an xml file.
The code below works fine if the absolute path is used but we will running this swf on a dvd and we will not know what the drive letter is in the users pc so we have to use a relative link, unless...
I am fairly new to VBA but have been having a play. I am trying to list the contents of the folder, via a msgbox, in a spreadsheet macro. This should work wherever the spreadsheet is placed. I have the macro below and all works fine when I first create it. The folder it is created in is listed...
I am trying to use the above to send an email. I have tested the php and all is okay.
If I put thie swf in an html page and use
it works as planned.
My problem is that the form swf has to be embedded in another swf...
I have the following in the head of some web pages But the pages are "failing HTML validation with "This Page Is Tentatively Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" the error reported is "No Character Encoding Found! Falling back to UTF-8". well it might be me but I can clearly see a charset of iso-8859-1...
I am currently trying to build a spreadsheet that will build a report off some data.
What I have at the moment is this:
The problem is that their are several formula in the reports sheet and the data range will change each time the spreadsheet is used.
Is there any way I...
I have set up a new rule to alert me with a custom message when a new mail arrives in Outlook 2002. When a message arrives this works perfectly. But I either get the option to Open the message or Close the alert.
I would like the Open button to also close the alert window as well.
Anyone know...
I have a page with header, footer and main content area. In the main content area there are 2 divs for the content and the nav. I would like the content to be effectivly attached to the side of the nav(which is fixed width) and then grow to the full remaining width of the page. Can some one tell...
I want a page to act similar to the code below. The only way I can get it to be totally fluid is to use a table in the header & footer div's, but I know this is wrong. I would also like the main content to efectivly wrap around the nav so that the space below is used as well. The content of the...
I am trying to add together 2 fields in a SELECT statement, either of the 2 options works below until the situation arises where one field is NULL and the other contains 0.00 all that is returned at this point is ".00" without the leading 0. Any ideas why or how to work round...
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