I'm interested in hearing from sites which use MIMS / Ellipse and Primavera. How closely have the two products been linked /interfaced?
Are their any issues to be aware of? How much support (if any) have you been able to get off Mincom.
Why was Primavera selected over other options?
I wanting to know if anyone has a solution for the following
We have created work orders and have linked documents to them via the document register, Job instructions etc. What we want to do now is to print these word documents as part of the job card production.
We have an issue of users charging to non-home cost centres, and other to cost centres that have nothing to do with their areas.
While I understand MIMS will allow costings to any valid cost centre, has anyone come up with a solution to control this apart from scanning pages of reports.
I'm wanting to know about peoples experiences in running Ellipse on either a W2K3 server or Win2K vs UNIX.
Mincom seem to be saying that the only difference is that the Sys Admin console is not available for Windows.
If you have made the move or even if you have always run in Windows I'm very...
We are looking at barcoding invoices which we are producing out of MIMS so that we can scan it and electronically read the cheque when the customer makes the payment.
Has anyone else done this, who did you go about it?
I'm interested in finding out if any one has been able to link an object wit in a Visio drawing to a MIMS record. For example you have a network diagram and it shows a server in Visio. The user is able to click on that server, go though the MIMS login process and then be shown the servers...
We have just upgraded the Server running SQL7 to Windows 2000 from NT4. Once this was done the DTS runtimes blow out. I've heard that this may be beacause of the way Windows 2000 handles the Active X part of the DTS packages. Can yanyone give me some more info on this. Also can anyone give...
I'm looking to make contact with anyone who is running MIMS 4.3.1 on a Informix database. We seem to be having performance issues and would like to see if other sites are also coming across the same issues.
We have a problem with Users have a large number of dairy messages, some as high as 6000. This has come about because users did not set a User Message preference and the System assumed Diary.
We have asked Mincom Brisbane for a solution and the best they could do for use was to advised to use...
Everyone talking about it, I've been to a few quick demos, but still don't fully understand the advantages of upgrading.
We are currently using 4.3 and can't really see that much different in Ellipse. Will Ellipse include envoy?
What are other concidering doing?
What experiences have people had using Output Designer, does it live up to the promises? How long did it take to get up and running? Are there any traps I should be aware of before we make the decision to go ahead and buy?
We are concidering turning on a number of MIMS Audit trails to track changes to Purchase Orders, Supplier files and HR files among others.
However there is a concern about the negative inpact the running of these Audit trails may have on the Production system.
Has anyone else tried running a...
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