I'm just throwing this on here for opinions.
This morning - my SO's PC would not connect to our network. To summarise
1. Cold boot failed
2. Repair of network connection failed
3. Fixing the IP address - worked!
Now - I would have said - OK - reboot the router. HOWEVER I tested the physical...
All of a sudden, or so it seems, Word2007 docs with a printdate field are NOT being saved after printing.
i.e. - open doc, print it - field updates (all good so far) then click save and close the doc. It is not saved!
What have I done? What do I need to do to fix this?
I started getting lots of these recently and running a chkdsk with the f flag and rebooting finding no issues. But still kept getting up to 20 55 events a day "The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume Boot."
To cut a long story...
Has anyone noticed that recently (I assume in the last few months) that running chkdsk on the C drive never gives a clean result? At least not for me on 2 machines. If you use the /F parameter and reboot then no errors are found!
A typical live result is like this.
Thoughts? anyone?
Clutching at straws here but I would like see how long bits of a macro are taking and the now() function seems only to get the time to the nearest second even though I am using the following format mm:ss.000 I have also tried mm:ss.ms but I don't get the correct results displayed or the time...
It's a minor nuisance but sometimes I just get to see a popup in time to watch it fade away! I am not talking about windows notifications - like 'new updates available' - I have already increased the display time for these. I am talking about Skype say - telling me a friend is online maybe - but...
A while ago Microsoft identified a security issue with gadgets and sent out an advisory about stopping the sidebar completely. However, I rather liked gadgets.
1. Does anyone know if that is that - or is there any chance they may come back?
2. If they are not coming back is there anything for...
I've been a bit too busy of late but finally have a moment to share. I finally got around to buying more RAM It was very little extra to get 8GB than 4GB so that is what I did. I therefore now have 12GB of RAM.
The net results can be summarized as:-
NO benefits regarding...
Broadband access at my Dad's has never been good. He's at the end of nearly 7 miles of copper. However. recently BT supplied him with a Home Hub 3 and brought fibre to within a mile or so. Speed went up initially to around 2Mb and then 3.5 and then suddenly the connection became very unreliable...
TBPanel Error
What with my RAID issues and SP1 issues I've been keeping a serious eye one Event Viewer. Every boot sees this error being reported.
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Date: 12/01/2012 08:01:31
Event ID: 7000
Task Category: None
Sub testboolean()
Dim B1 As Boolean, B2 As Boolean, B3 As Boolean
Dim BR As Boolean
BR = False
B1 = False
B2 = True
B3 = True
BR = B1 + B2 + B3
Debug.Print BR
BR = Not ((B1 + B2 + B3))
Debug.Print BR
BR = Not (BR)
Debug.Print BR
End Sub
This is some...
Excel 2007
I use Option Explicit as a typo preventer amongs others. Recently and on occasion I mistype and the cariable is compiled. How come? Has anyone else experienced this bug? If that's what it is.
Original thread - thread1726-1643813
Well, what with one thing and another I finally got around to it tonight [blush]
I hadn't used the machine in an age - I allowed it to download all new updates and installed them in chunks until all updates except IE9 and a couple of 'voluntary' ones were...
Whilst researching an issue (solved) I came across these entries in the log.
Boot plan calculation completed in 65535 ms.
Boot Plan Timestamp: 2011-11-19T08:53:32.702192000Z
Reason: System boot completion
Result: 0x0
Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:
Io Read Count...
There was a brief discussion at work this week on the alternative ways to shutdown Windows 7. If anyone knows of a definitive list I would appreciate it if they posted a link.
Academic interest only - so please don't spend any time looking!
What happened to the "Windows 7 - CD ROM didn't eject" thread? I got an email saying BadBigBen had posted and when I clicked on the link I got a 404 error and on searching I can't find it.
Did it get too silly? or was it just too trivial?
Suddenly, or so it seems to me, Excel is doing a full recalculate if I change some code. Even simply adding a comment to some VBA code will do it.
I can't for the life of me think what I may have (inadvertently) done to trigger this behaviour. Or is this normal - because at the same time the...
Problem is word simply hangs if I click on the office button, then send to then email.
In Internet options, Programs I don't have an email option though. So I think that's the first issue. I have Thunderbird installed as the default email program.
So, given the above how do I get internet...
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