I just got a new laptop (a HP ENVY m4-1015dx). It's a 64-bit machine, but it came with the 32-bit Office 2010 pre-loaded. I activated that with my product key for Home and Student 2010.
I logged into my Microsoft Store account and downloaded the 32-bit Outlook 2010 (for which I also have a...
School of Fail: English 101: Listen Up, Internet.
Shout it from the rooftops!
-- Francis
There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.
--Mark Twain
While working second-level support today, I was catching up on some old tickets that the users haven't responded to (we have to get an approval e-mail before we can proceed with a database fix). So I said:
Grammar check in Outlook wanted to change advise to advice.
Isn't this wrong? Did the...
Obama/Osama mixups mar breaking news reports
After ten years of Osama, and 6+ years of Obama, you'd think people would learn to check before pressing the Enter key.
-- Francis
In Deo nos confídimus.
Ceteris pariatur.
I have a SP which is populating a table (LOINT_Master) from another (LTMSPF).
The problem is that when the field LTMSPF.LTXDS1 contains an ampersand ("&"), the ampersand is stripped out of the corresponding CHAR field in LOINT_Master (LOINT_Master.Property_Location).
LTMSPF was populated from...
Nearly two years ago, I bought a Sony Vaio laptop (VGN-CR220E), with Vista on it. I suffered through all of the Vista quirks and service pack upgrades. Finally, with SP2, it's reasonably stable, but it could be better.
I pre-ordered Windows 7 from the Microsoft Store, after finding only one...
At least they give you a choice.
It rhymes this time: Slang used at London ATMs
-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
They must have had a HUGE truck..
Men face life in prison for Wal-Mart theft in Slidell
-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
As a New Orleans Hornets fan, I was interested in the "other side" regarding the current NBA quarter-final series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Hornets. So I Googled "Dallas Morning News, and the first thing I get is a Google sponsored ad:
(Coming to a screeching halt?)
Da mihi sis...
Hi all,
I have a Sony Vaio laptop with Vista Home Premium. I needed to put a VPN client on it, so I bought a thumb drive for it, a 4 GB Geek Squad u3 drive.
On our XP machines at work, no problem. But Vista does nothing (although if you are in Device Manager, or whatever they call it, once you...
Hi, all,
This morning, my PC (Dell Dimension 4550 with XP Pro and 768 MB RAM) became non-responsive, so I shut it down and tried to reboot. And now, it will not complete the boot. I am able to log on (it accepts my password), but then I get
Application error xxxxxxxxxx on winlogon.exe - the...
Proofreading isn't what it used to be.
Feles mala! Cur cista non uteris? Stramentum novum in ea posui!
Our AS/400 at V5R1 has a scheduled job to send an e-mail via SNDDST. The mail never gets delivered (unless we stop and restart thr MSF) and we get this error in the Mail Server Framework job:
TCP5101 Diagnostic 30 09/24/04 04:09:09 QTMMCUTL QTCP *STMT...
Hi. I'm trying to create a string with the user, date, and time from a file:
C Eval Error_msg = %TRIM(Bpcusr) + ' ' +
C + ' '...
If you do a save sys on an older box (CISC V3R2), which has a system 36 environment on it, as well as a native environment, does the save sys save the DLO or do you have to do that separately? How can you be assured you have saved everything? And then assuming you get a good save, will...
I have a Dell Dimension 4550 upon which I have XP Pro (with all the MS updates), and Office XP for Sudents and Teachers (with all the Office updates).
Scandisk found a lost cluster and fixed it, but ever since, when I shut down Outlook, and try to restart it, it won't come up. Task Manager...
I have a Dell Dimension 4550 upon which I have XP (with all the MS updates), and Office XP for Sudents and Teachers (with all the Office updates).
Scandisk found a lost cluster and fixed it, but ever since, when I shut down Outlook, and try to restart it, it won't come up. Task Manager reveals...
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