my roommate cliked on a flashing icon saying there was a virus and to remove it. click here. now i have something called Personal Anivirus on my windows xp.
windows says its malware. and i cant get rid of it. i have tried all my antispyware programs.
any suggestions?
and to does anyone know...
Photoshop runs slow in large fies.
the machine does have 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM.
and it is a 1.25 GHZ PowerPC G4 with 1MB L3 cache.
ATI Radeon 9000 Pro graphics.
when i have a very large file 300mb or larger in photoshop. the machine is extremely slow. i spend more time watching my beach ball...
i have a photoshop file 640 x 480.
with several photos. i would like to make it so the user can click on the photo and a window opens up with another image.
i think i should flatten the file, bring it into image ready, slice it into desired sections where links will be,
and under slices i add...
we just reinstalled xp due to virus. restored.
had to reinstall outlook 2000 email from disk.
problem: contacts (on exhange server) show up but not in send button box...
how can we fix this.
i turned my file sharing "on". and i am still not able to access my files from my other mac. both are on the network. and i have always been able to do this until recently when i deleted some plists.
what else needs to be done???
I was deleting plists on my mac os tiger yesterday. and when i rebooted today my internet will not launch.
so my mac mail doesnt work either.
How can i fix this or can it be fixed?
we just upgraded to the adobe acrobat professional 8.0 for mac. and i cannot figure out how to view thumbnails. the help instructions say to click on page button on left. but the ones in my screen shot do not do that. i must have to load a different toolbar??? I have tried all, i think.
I need to set up file sharing so i can get to the files on this windows machine from my macs.
I think it needs to be in a workgroup.
they are both on the network.
i need to know the path of a file so i can upload it.
the browse button is not working and they want me to type in the path.
if i have the file on my desktop. what would it be.
or is that a windows thing. when i click on get info it gives me mounting info.
what is a good free program that we can use on windows xp for sending out our weekly sales flyer to our customers.
we are not opposed to paying for it, if it works and tracks email addresses so we know if our list is right.
need to bypass our server...
i would like to try to have 2 accounts running on my mac.
in thunderbird version 1.5 or mac mail.
it will not let me do it in thunderbird as there is no global inbox. i would like to see my company email and another personal email in the same mail software coming in at the same time.
is there...
i am using dinova font in a 40-pg. booklet.
its italic in my style sheet. when i print from quark to printer it shows up italic. when i make a pdf (no matter if i distill or export or change settings) it always comes out not italic. just straight.
called quark. she said use fontfinagler and...
i need to divide a circle into a roulette wheel.
like a pie chart.
i will need 73 sections.
what is the best way to do this.
can it be done.
photoshop cs2.
mac os.
have illustrator cs and quark 6.5 as well.
photoshop cs2. patch tool
i am having problems using this tool.
how does it work.
it doesn't work like clone.
trying to take reflection out of car.
of persons face
since my g4 is running slow. my GM here at work wants me to give him a list as far as the difference in speeds of my G4 vs. the 8core mac pro.
he wants to know exact details so he has something in writing to show the expense is ok.
where can i get this info?
i have a package design.
there are some squares with a flag pattern that i would like to blend into the black box around it.
in photoshop i would use a gradient mask or eraser.
what is the best way in illustrator.
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