Hi all. I've got an MDT build that strips out win10 by essentially removing all but a couple of whitelisted packages, removes onedrive (boy that was fun to code) and installs office 2013 & winupdates etc.
But now I see during deployment and when a user logs on, messages about an app messing up a...
Hi all
I've been dealing with MDT task sequences recently and I've added a reminder to the deployment wizard screen where you choose the computer name - the reminder says "move the AD object to computers OU before deploying".
I looked around and found people suggesting ways to automatically move...
Hi all
Is there any way to see what computers have been deleted (and when?) in WSUS? I ask because lots were removed and I want to clarify that they were mostly random named machines that only existed during MDT deployment etc and weren't actual live machines.
Also if anyone thinks I should...
Hi all
I'm not used to using powershell compared to batch files. What i'm trying to do is script some results using manage-bde (is on my Win10 PC and seems to be standard, but isn't on our 2012 server?) to show the Encryption status of all PCs in a text list.
So far I've ended up with the...
Hi all - it seems clear that MS are going to keep shoving ads and junk into win 10 pro and making it win 10 home in reality as they simultaneously remove the ability of GPOs to control it, forcing people onto Enterprise and LTSB licences. However for those of us stuck with win 10 pro for now...
Strange issue happening on a win7 PC here. For 3 mornings in a row someone has come in and found themselves unable to log into their VM remotely. Each morning I've logged onto the VM myself and checked the list of users allowed to logon to remote desktop in system properties. Each time his...
Hi all
I have the following code which does a reasonable job of finding various styles of links within text (eg http://bbc.co.uk or just www.itv.com) and turning them into links.
function linkURLs($text) {
$text = str_replace("/","/",$text);
Hi all - the VM I connect to running win7 has started logging off/rebooting overnight. I can't find any reason why and I've made a logoff script to log the time it happens and so far it's been 10.24pm and 10.10pm. I'm wondering if there's a way for a logoff script (or anything) to know if the...
Hi all - anyone got any bright ideas why 1 PC of many on a domain is spamming thousands of events like those below - we're talking multiple 20m event log archives created per day, often within minutes!
Looking at WudfUsbccidDriver I've tried disabling the smartcard service but that hasn't...
Hi all
Sometimes our win7 citrix users get problems that seem to relate to just them aka profile related so we redo them.
They reside on a \\server\share$\username\win7_x86 basis
I found myself creating a win7_x86.bak folder, copying contents of win7_x86 into there (rather than renaming...
Hi all - I'm trying to change a powershell script that took a single line console input and used it to set something that accepts HTML so that it has a richtextbox for input that accepts multiline text (this much works ok) but preferably that has a way to convert it to HTML. So far I've said...
Hi all - been looking around online and testing things but I've not come up sweet when it comes to forcing the resolution for the logon screen or for users having profiles built at logon time from the default user. Most stuff online points to here ...
Hi all - I'm preparing a new system of pcs/server and I'm trying to speed up the login time at all costs as it's the biggest problem for waiting users with restricted logon periods. I'm thinking of using mandatory profiles rather than have them generate profiles from the default user every time...
Hi all - was given what I thought was a simple task but it's done my head in trying it with vbs/powershell/commandprompt etc. Simply list all files in a folder and its subfolders that are older than 2005, in csv format for excel.
A remarkably good way seemed to be a commandline that only took...
Hi all - I've got a script that returns various PC details but for some reason the pagefile info isn't retrieved from remote PCs (shows as blank) but is retrieved fine if I enter my own PC as the target. Sometimes remote DNS/IP info is missing aswell but I'm not too worried about those...
Hi all - so I'm being asked to make a date picker that will somehow stop more than 3 people picking the same day before that day becomes unpickable for anyone else. I assume I can at least wait until a submit button is pressed in order for someone to count as one of the 3. So I will have to...
Hi all
Been spending some time today fiddling with a little list system for personal use.
Basically I just want a webpage where I can add rows (textboxes) to various sections (working) and remove specific rows (can't manage to position an icon for it next to/over text box).
Also the rows per...
Hi all - this might sound silly but I figured when trying to make an FB app I'd avoid the SDK so I'm not reliant on it .... yeah so anyway.
I've finally got the basics of login and accessing the logged in person's name & picture done - but it's taking so long to do this and I'm sure (even...
Throwing this out here cos it's drivin me mad - I've got a clean win7 x64 ultimate - including moving c:\users to d:\users (I know about the various methods/risks etc) but my only remaining problem is that if I upgrade IE9 to 10/11 then it loses the ability to deal with the tempnetfiles meaning...
Throwing this out here cos it's drivin me mad - I've got a clean win7 x64 ultimate - including moving c:\users to d:\users (I know about the various methods/risks etc) but my only remaining problem is that if I upgrade IE9 to 10/11 then it loses the ability to deal with the tempnetfiles meaning...
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