I just read a newspaper article (yes I still read newspapers) on red pandas.
Then two paragraphs later:
Considering it is very likely that all of the "more than 80" zoos have at least one WHOLE panda, I have trouble reconciling the number 45 being in captivity.
I received a promo copy of Office 2010 from Microsoft. I have been unable to install it due to an OSETUP.DLL issue. So far, all efforts to fix this have failed. Even so-called OSETUP.DLL testers/fixers fail.
Any suggestions?
I will immediately admit I am embarrassed that my Excel skill is so poor I have to ask...what can I say? I am an Excel moron. I have been trying to figure this out, but the shear volume of possible formulae is making me bonkers.
I have (simplified):
Can someone tell me how/where Windows stores (if indeed it does) the thumbnails in View > Thumbnails in Windows Explorer?
For some reason, Explorer will shows thumbnails up to a point, and then just displays a blank box for the rest of the files in that folder.
It used to show them all, but...
How bizarre.
For some unknown reason IntelliSense has disappeared. I put a dot after an object, the normal dropdown of available properties/methods does not appear. Ctrl-Spacebar does not do anything.
Any ideas???
Just to make things simple, there are two ways to get the system logon username.
1. Using the environment variable. This is straightforward and should work for most cases.
Sub GetNameUsingEnviron()
MsgBox Environ("username")
End Sub
2. Using API.
Option Explicit
[COLOR=red]' the API...
I know this forum is a bit top-heavy with Excel users. May I ask a question?
Why do people use Excel for text-only (ahem...) documentation?
I get these Excel files (listing of courses) that contain nothing but text. No numbers, no formula or calculations. Just text.
They are a major pain...
Not really an Office thread, but...I just received the following email.
The VIRUS [TROJ_GYPIKON.BH] WAS DETECTED in the attachment [UPSInvoice_9008612.zip/UPSInvoice_9008612.exe].
The virus infected attachment was deleted.
OK, really, I have tried looking. Can anyone tell me the syntax for TextOrProperty using Application.FileSearch.
From Help:
"Returns or sets the word or phrase to be searched for, in either the body of a file or the file's properties, during the file search."
Except ALL the examples I have...
Hi there. I found the following code in file sent to me for another reason. I am wondering why this works.
'Used for creating an e-mail
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String...
I have been passed some Word files that exhibit the following behaviour.
Three files: FileA, FileA_V2, FileA_V3
These are not the actual names. The actual names are not (I think) relevant). The documents are copies.
FileA is opened. A change is made. It is NOT saved.
FileA_V2 is...
For some reason I can no longer use ANY drag and drop functions in Explorer.
I can select file(s), I can drag them and they show as icon objects, I can drag them over folders and each folder is highlighted properly as I pass over.
Dropping does absolutely nothing.
I can not drag anything from...
Two questions.
What IS racial profiling?
Is it only racial profiling if it - whatever comes as a definition - is does by an organization? In other words, if someone, an individual, reacts, treats, interacts, with an identified group in a particular manner based on their beliefs regarding that...
Hi gang.
Can't think of a better place to toss this out.
I have been asked to come up with a better term than "users".
This is a rather old issue really. However, apparently...ahem..."staff"...really hate it when they see "user" or "users" in documentation.
Within the tech community...
Just read some text that mentioned a "precise estimation".
I can understand an estimation being as precise as possible, but a precise estimation?
However, I found one definition to be - "conforming strictly to rule or proper form". So if a protocol can only return an estimation, if...
Hi folks. Two questions, rather related. I have a userform with a textbox, a checkbox, a combobox, and two commandbuttons.
One commandbutton just unloads the form, this can be ignored.
The other commandbutton clears the other controls.
The textbox goes to "".
The checkbox becomes unchecked...
Ah, I have been getting odd things with trying to send mail with Outlook. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, and this is intermittent. Sometimes, it just will not send the message and gives the following (extremely illuminating and useful) error message.
Task (my email address: Unknown error...
Hi all,
I am thinking of writing a FAQ on a fairly common Word issue. However, I want to tease the water here.
This common Word object can have the following code run - without any error.
If object.Exists = False Then
Msgbox object & " does not exist (.Exists = False). " & _...
Hi folks,
As some of you are painfully aware, I do tend to write long winded posts. I will try to keep this short.
I am retreating totally off-line, severing all 'Net connections, and therefore will no longer post anything to Tek-Tips. It has been a huge learning experience for me. I have...
Hi folks,
As some of you are painfully aware, I do tend to write long winded posts. I will try to keep this short.
I am retreating totally off-line, severing all 'Net connections, and therefore will no longer post anything to Tek-Tips. It has been a huge learning experience for me. I have...
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