I can't be the first one with this problem:
I simply want to find the row-ids that hold the MAX-values grouped by specific column names.
Instinctively I would use:
SELECT ix, column1, MAX(column1)
FROM table
GROUP BY column2, column3
but this does not even give the same values of column1 and...
I have been running MySQL 3.23 for some years.
Now we upgraded to 5.0 and I'm experiencing som problems.
Earlier the following query was executed flawlessly:
SELECT col1, col2, table2.col3
FROM table1, table2
LEFT JOIN table3 ON table1.someid = table3.someotherid
but now this query triggers...
After upgrading PHP I'm not feeling comfortable about how the error reporting works.
With the previous version I got reports caused by errors like:
if($a > 1)
(empty curly braces)
or forgotten curly braces at the ebd of the script
These don't show up anymore which leads to a never...
I have a php script that produces text files. A directory in the web folder is assigned for this reason. Someone said that the directory must must be given write permission for "all" for it to work. Is it true? Is there no way to turn php into a "owner" who has those permissions which limits...
I'm overriding the current settings of php.ini using ini_set like this in the developing phase:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_reporting', 2047);
ini_set('mysql.trace_mode', 1);
printf("<P>%s%s", $ffr);
$msc = mysql_connect("localhost", "webuid", "webpwd")...
How do I lanuch another app from my java-app?
I want to launch both Explorer and Firefox silently in the background and give them both the same URL, let's say http://www.google.com
After that I want the both browsers to terminate their activity.
Can it be done?
I have an app that opens Explorer at a given URL, but in the background with no windows open:
ShellExecute (NULL, "open", "iexplore.exe", loginURL, NULL, SW_HIDE);
Works great. I now want the same app to open Firefox in the same way:
ShellExecute (NULL, "open", "firefox.exe", loginURL, NULL...
I know how to get the username of a user logged into a Novell system, using GetUserName with C++.
But how do I get my hands on which location/user group the user is in?
Can't find this in the MSDN documentation.
I know how to get the username of a user logged into a Novell system, using GetUserName.
But how do I get my hands on which location/user group the user is in?
Can't find this in the MSDN documentation.
I have a php-script that checks whether a user is coming from inside our firewall (using a 172-address) or if he's coming from the outside (any other address). Certain restrictions appear for outside users.
But is it possible for an outside user to change his IP-address to appear as a...
The following setting of textformat does not change any of the text's properties:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcX", 0);
mcX.createTextField("tfX", 0, 200, 0, 200, 20);
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.font = "Verdana";
tf.size = 30;
tf.color = 0xff0000;
tf.align = "right"...
I have a script that reads a cookie from which it creates remote sessions. The problem is that the session does not survive long enough.
Is there a safe way to handle the time for how long a session should last? A good way would be to extend its lifetime for an hour each time a page is read.
I have a text field as a movieclip.
The field is moving across the screen. Then it starts over.
I want to change the content of the text field for each lap it completes.
I'm a newbie but I know some ActionScript, I know how to create clips and how to assign values to text fields.
Still I don't...
I have four tables which I want to join to a table with "complete" information.
There are about 2000 rows in each table.
When I try a multiple LEFT JOIN it works as it should but I takes about 20 seconds or more.
How do I optimize a query to handle many rows?
What other JOIN-methods can I use...
It's probably impossible but I'll ask it anyway.
I have a domain on which I'm NOT hosting my pages.
Instead this "easy-to-remember" domain name is forwarding to another site (where hosting is free) and where the name is "not-that-easy-to-remember".
Now I realize that I would have loved to...
We have an intranet inside our firewall.
Now, there are quite many functions that should be accessible from the outside (administrators want them to be).
How can we have the "intranet" accessible from the outside and still having reasonable security?
My idea is to have every php-page sniffing...
Off to the next level.
GetUserName retrieves the Netware username (or local username) after logging in.
Is there any way to grab the user group too?
Can't find any function in MSDN, though.
I want to create an exe-file with C++ that opens a url silently or "in the background".
Basically the idea is to send specific data (the current USERNAME from Netware, for example) to a php script on a webserver so that the script knows what type of user is reading the
I know how to retrieve...
I have a text file placed in the Users directory on a Mac, called 'data.txt'
I want to use a php-script to push data from that file into a MySQL table located on a remote server.
I first try the phpmyadmin tool to do this and it gives me the proper query lines that it used to succeed. But the...
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