hey folks..
I have what I think is an 11c mini or compact box (two cabinets, 1/2 height cards--lots of cards, no sets.) I had bought it after market with the intent of using it as a lab/learning system, but life and career has taken a different direction and I don't think I'm going to have the...
So I my PC has been upgraded to XP, but it was done as a complete re-install, so I had to install all new applications. The reading I've been doing leads me to believe that I shouldn't install my copy of 5 and do the upgrades. Is there a way to go directly to v8 without buying a new copy?
howdy folks! I've been doing telecom related stuff for about 16 years, but have only been able to afford a small amount of formal training (most of my employers required me to 'figure it out myself').
I've finally managed to buy myself a small Option switch,and I think it's an 11? mini, but...
I've got a Merling Messaging module that runs fine for a long time, and then all of a sudden stops answering with the right greeting and transfers to the 'attendant'. Sometimes it goes staticy and the processor/status light turns orange. Sometimes resetting the module brings it back just fine...
Goal: To have an identifiable extension/ number/ name display on a set so that a callee can identify what number/extention was originally dialled.
I've got a T1 from a long distance carrier transmitting 4 digit DNIS which match our extensions. The calls arrive correctly and route where I...
The 391c1 power supply in my 2nd cabinet apparently fried itself yesterday about 45 minutes before closing... "hey, the phones are dead". Fortunately, I had a spare a3, and could swap them around and get us back up and running. (Need a c1 in the 2nd cabinet for messaging)
I assume that the $$...
Howdy folks. My saga continues, although with a change in the story line.
Legend R7 v9 with the following
408 GLM-U
408 GLM-U
408 GLM-U
012 RG
012 rg
100D (4wE&Mwink)
008 ATL
008 OPT (Merlin Messaging)
It used to be that I did not have an 008 ATL or the...
Well, the plot thickens. We have a two carrier Legend 7 v9 that has been running fine for quite a while. We're finally at a point where we need to add additional cards, and it seems that any time I add cards to slot 10, it causes problems with the card in slot 9 (MLM). I've had both an 008atl...
I had the understanding that 016 cards could only work with processors cke4 and higher due to memory access issues. I tried to swap my cke3 with a cke4 this morning and it failed (renumber and restore worked, looked like it came up, but i didn't get any audio from my T1 or PRI--the calls would...
I'm stumped on this one. I've got an analog station (012w/ring) that has trunk-to-trunk transfer enabled, has high enough FRL, but I cannot do a trunk-to-trunk transfer. If I use a comparably programmed MLX set, it behaves as expected. All digital trunking (PRI and T1), i've even waited until...
howdy folks.
Purchased a 4-port card for my Merling Messaging R1, and the module does not recognize the card. I busied out the slot, swapped the cards, restored it and watched it reboot, but it only comes back with the two ports as if there is 'no' card... the RMD extension returns 'busy'...
Is there a way to have the Legend mark a call as 'private' on a PRI facility? I've re-read on how to delete a copy-to number, or to program a specific number to send, but I can't find how to flag the call as private (a la *67) Anyone know how to do this?
howdy... I've got a pair of Web Switch 100's that I can make work just fine on my internal network, but I can't get them to work accross the 'public' network. Both sides are 'exposed' (i.e. we think we've disabled the firewalls)... can anyone give me any additional hints?
Howdy folks. Just got my hands on a Merlin Messaging Release 1.1 (voice prompt from sysadmin mailbox says Release 1 0 20). The system came with two separate PC cards that say 'MERLIN Messag R1 2-Port Card' one of them as a code of '12H1 S1 V1 R1' and someone wronte '01D card' on it in ink...
Legend 7 v9. I just got an updated list of what is 'local' from my CLEC. When I go to update the tables (two 'local' areacodes, using 6 digit tables), I find that I only have enough entries for 1/2 of the nxx's. Can I have a 2nd 6digit table for the same area code? How do you work around this...
if a system has two existing 012 w/ring cards, and an 012 'basic' was added, could the ring gen's in the first two be used for the 'baisc' card? (i.e. are ring generators shared accross cards?
My local PRI has had quality issues since yesterday, but then the audio went fuzzy (non-usable). D channel would still seem to function. Disabling, resetting, and testing board controller and internal loop back were all fine, as far as I can tell. This is all on slot6. I took a look at the...
I keep reading in things that the MLX ports are like ISDN-BRI... does that mean I can use BRI CPE on an MLX port? What format would the SPID's be? I've seen reference to a BRI 'trunk' card, but not station... anybody ever try it?
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