Hi there,
I'm kinda new to this so laugh at will :))
I'm trying to display a html code ( a banners code) on a page but no matter what i do, where i put that code,it's being read and displed, so i have 2 banners . My Q is ( dunno if it can be done in html): how do i display a html code on a web...
Hi there.
I have an outlook problemo too. In the previous years, at at certain time i created a store folder for OE to store emails. So far so good. Last week i reinstalled windows on a PC and when i restored my emails i could'n believe my eyes. All emails were there except those from previous...
Hi there,
Is there any way to monitor a certain account on a server?
If i sign up for an account on a certain server (no root privileges, only an account which i can access via putty, ftp etc.), i should have my privacy, isn't it. Is there a way to monitor or somehow to see who accessed your...
Hi there.
Got problem with my rpm's. When i try to do something on my server that deals with rpm's i get this:
rpmdb: unable to join the environment
error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Resource temporarily...
Hi there,
What in the world do i have to do to get rid of this problem? I looked up the server time, both the client and the server are in the US, (PDT) hour, minutes, seconds match but i still get this error. Any ideeas what to do?
Thanks alot,
Hi there,
Any1 can tell me what command line do i have to put in my squid.conf to deny access for some users to access certain sites?
I have this by now:
http_access allow ofcalcc
acl photo src
Anything else i have to add to do the restriction?
Thanks alot.
Hi there.
I'm trying to make a connection to one of my ftp's but when it connects and it is about to open directories it says: 500 illegal port command. I know that if i enable passive mode it works. The issue is that i do not want to enable passive mode, i would like to run my ftp connections...
Hi there.
Got a lil question:
On a unix server i have 2 folders: httpdocs and httpsdocs.
What do i have to do when i ulpoad a picture in httpdocs, the certain picture to be seen in httpsdocs too. Do i have to upload that picture in the httpsdocs folder too?
For example i have a "test.jpg" in my...
Hi there.
I've just set up DHCP in my network. I managed to give IP's using MAC but didn't manage to tell DHCP to give the DNS and gateway to each PC.
Is there a command line in the dhcpd.conf to make this work?
Thanks alot.
Hi there,
I have the following problem:
[root@homee root]# up2date -l
rpmdb: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db4 error(-30982) from dbenv->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - (-30982)
error: cannot open...
Hi there.
Can anyone tell me if this is an attempt to use a server or what exactly does this message mean ?
**Unmatched Entries**
NOQUEUE: [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
NOQUEUE: [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to...
Hi there.
Anyone knows a good linux (RH9) software that can show me all processes running on a server? I mean i would like to see all connections and operations, everything that moves on the server, at the same time.
Thanks alot.
Hey there,
I'm having trouble by setting winme up to take it's policy file from my samba server. I have a config.pol on my samba server and that config.pol contains each and avery user that exists in the LAN, i have also netlogon.bat's and they work fine. The problem is that i didn't manage to...
Hi there,
I'm having problems setting up policies. I've read many documentations, followed every step but when a PC logs on to the network it doesn't read it's policy file. Wondering what did i do wrong. First of all i created a policy file on a PC, named it config.pol and put that file in...
Hi there,
Is there a way or a command line that can tell samba to let only one user use the printer. Meaning that now i want that out of my 35 users, only "User1" is allowed to use the printer because he has something urgent to print and put the others jobs on a "waiting...
Anyone has an ideea of a string that i can use in my smb.conf that denies multiple user logons? Actually i'd like to deny more then 1 logons per user. At this state a user can logon on more PC's with his username and pass and i would like deny that. Each user should logout first and then logon...
Anyone here know a way to logon from a winxp home edition to a samba server? I tried a little utility, i even get a login window when i reboot my winxp but it says that it can't find any domain server and cannot connect. Isn't there possible to connect a winxp home to a samba, at all?
Hi there,
I'm trying to set up a samba server but can't make win95 map the drive i specify.
The logon script looks like this:
net use Z: \\Server\testare /yes
"Server" is samba and "testare" the directory created to do the map on it, PC name is...
Hi there,
I was wondering if there's a way to lighten up the hdd led under RH9. I have two SATA hdd's mirrored with a RAID-1 but didn't find out how to make that damn hdd led function :) Any ideeas?
Thanks alot
Hi there.
I'm having problems setting up a RAID-1 under RH9.
I looked up a how-to and did the same thing that was written there but still no results. I have two hdd's and i would like to mirror them. I set up the /etc/raidtab that looks like this:
raiddev /dev/md0
raid-level 1...
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