my $sql = <<ENDSQL;
# ^-- no leading space
# or
# v-- same amount of spaces here ...
my $sql = <<' ENDSQL';
# ^-- ... and here
You could point FireFox users to the Register protocol article, then anyone interested in using those links should set up their own browsers.
There is also the Web-based protocol handlers, which could help doing something as above, partially automated. But I was never interested in this...
Sorry for the obscurity of my question, I am not allowed to post proper names. The customer is not personally my, but our company's.
There is a customer who has 1 site and 3 domain names pointing to the same content. When searching in Google, only matches from 2 of them are listed. When you...
The readlink command is usefull to find out the target of a symbolic link. Any idea for similar commands, in case readlink is not available ?
Ok, I can write a function, thats not a problem. ( No error checking in below codes. )
readlink() { ls -ld "$1" | sed 's/.*-> //'; }
# or
I want to run a script from another and I would like to source it, but there are small problems :
Find out if it was sourced or runned
Get the source file's name and path
Exit from the sourced file only
As I read the bash man page, all above seems impossible. Do anyone know any solution ...
I use gawk 3.1.1 for Linux. I would like to read from a file which contains fixed length records, without separators. The file could be huge, and probably I do not need all records.
How can I read, lets say, 256 characters from a file, with [g]awk ?
I wish to create my little collection of awk functions and use them in complex scripts. And to run the complex script as an executable, not specified as an argument.
Sadly, after a lot of googling and man reading I not found any solution for awk, gawk or mawk :
extension() function loads...
I need to find out the signal name for a signal number. For example, for the number 15, to get the string SIGTERM.
I use Bash, and I'm interested in solutions other then using an array. ( Handmade, or generated from kill -l or trap -l output. )
While the COPY is faster then INSERT, I will use it. But for now I can only write it in a file, then run psql -f. Is any way to do this from a program ( in my case Kylix ), or is too PostgreSQL specific, to use it from outside ?
Or, is another possibility to add new records en-gros ( I have...
I need to display a list of subtotals for the records which have the same number field, but in the original order, provided by the id field. The following generates error, because the distinct and the order by expressions are not the same.
SELECT DISTINCT ON (number) number, sum(value) FROM...
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