Hi all,
I have a problem with Excel 2007 ... it's been a while since I asked a question here ... I'm usually answering ( so, no, I'm not a beginner ).
If I open a file as read-only, and make a change, and then press the Toggle Read Only button ( in QAT from Category "Commands Not In The...
Hi all,
I am having an intermittent problem with a Combobox. It’s an ActiveX Combobox, embedded in a worksheet, with the LinkedCell property set to point to a cell in the worksheet.
Most of the time everything is OK, but occasionally the Combobox updates a cell in another sheet, or even...
Hi all,
I have a Shared workbook that has worked fine for a while, but has now starting exhibiting some strange behaviour ... sometimes if you change the contents of a cell, and save the workbook, the change actually gets applied to a different cell. I know this sounds impossible, but I've had...
Hi all,
I posted this question in the Microsoft community in case it was a bug ...
if I send an xlsb workbook ( Binary ) by using the Send To function the resulting attached workbook seems to be converted to Compatibilty mode ( xls ), BUT the extension of the attached workbook remains as xlsb...
Hi all,
I am sometimes asked for a cheap alternative to Excel, and I've just been told of something called Opal Office :
Has anyone used this? Or does anyone have any other recommendations for Office alternatives ( legal ones please )?
I've heard of Gnumeric...
Hi all,
I am trying to write some VBA to send mail from within Excel ( version 2003 ), except that using the Send command, Outlook asks for user confirmation:
... with Yes, No, and Help buttons.
Is it possible to send mail from Excel without user intervention ( it would be nice to have this...
Hi all,
I have a user that wants the Change Links dialog to show at the press of a button, but I can't get it to work. This format of code:
works for all kinds of things, but not the Change Link one, I'd imagine it's because you should have to...
Hi all,
one of my users has just upgraded to Excel 2003, and one of her books has suddenly started crashing Excel whenever you try to copy any sheet within the workbook.
I've spent 45 minutes trawling through the Microsoft site, to see if there are any articles regarding this problem, without...
Hi all,
I've searched the threads here but haven't been able to spot the solution to this ...
I have user that has got an Excel workbook on an Intranet page, which loads in an Explorer window. So far so good. She has a macro she wants to run that saves the file and closes the Explorer...
Hi all,
I've just received a message from a user who wants to put an Excel sheet on their intranet, that can be updateable by anyone in the company ( it's a booking calendar apparently ). The user wants to use an Excel sheet 'cos it's pretty, and easy to change.
Unfortunately, I have no...
Hi all,
I'm trying to use ChDir on a network resource like this:
ChDir "\\svr10\XYZ\ABCD"
but this doesn't change what the active directory is. I know that you issue a ChDrive command to point to the correct mapped drive when the resource you want is a mapped drive, but I need to...
Hi all,
this might sound like a bizarre request, but I've just done a macro record to find out how to show detail in an outline and this is what Excel recorded ...
ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.DETAIL(2,77,TRUE,,42)"
The only Excel macro function...
I'm stuck, I have a bubble chart which is working correctly, but the legend is showing the values from the X-values series instead of the Name series.
How do I get Excel to put the values from the Name series in the Legend?
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