Hello, All
I'm trying to create a C# form in VS2017-7 to conduct Fourier transforms on data files in several different directories and folders. In my Delphi progs I had windows on my form displaying directories and another of the files in those directories allowing me to move from directory...
Hello All,
I've been engaged in translating some Basic applications into Delphi 7. I got to a triple-nested set of For loops in Basic and the innermost loop had a 'STEP' specification. It took me awhile to recall what that was and, as I recall, one can specify that a loop going through an...
I've used Delphi 7 (D7) since 2003 with several machines. Recent failure of my Vista machine led to my replacing it with a Windows 7 machine. Though I was able to nurse the D7 along on the Vista machine it is now becoming more trouble and, after reading several programmers’ illustrations of...
Hello All,
I put together a little routine that takes two similar .txt files, loads their data into two separate arrays, compares the two arrays, updates one array based on the data from the comparison, and writes out the updated array to one of the .txt files. This is a stand-alone project...
Hello Everyone,
I want to write a function in Delphi 7 that would conduct an FFT on a large amount of sound data. The data is converted from a WAV file to a rationalized, 0 to 1.0 values, TXT file by GoldWave, a commercial sound analysis package. I've been all over the Web trying to come up...
Hi Everyone,
I've got an application that upgrades several Excel worksheets in separate files. Each file is a standalone. Each utilizes some basic values that must be present in each of the standalone file. Each of these values requires manual updating by the user. I would like have each of...
Hello Everyone,
I've gotten a request from a person to generate some software that would be used to retrieve historical stock closing prices for several different stocks to be taken from Yahoo's financial section. She's looking for a weeks worth of data at a time for each stock so she can...
Hello everyone,
I’ve been trying to extract some data from an Access DB then I want to insert it into an Excel
File for further analysis (Length, Width, BoardFeet, ProcessTime) rather than write Functions for each view.
The SQL statement works as far as it goes and inserting data from an array...
I recently purchased a Vostro 1400 with a Vista OS. Delphi 7 installation requires that permissions be reset for the BIN directory and the Projects directory in the Programs\Borland\Delphi7 directory. I found a wedsite where the process is pretty well explained...
I've been trying to get a SELECT statement addressing an MS Access 2000 database.
This is the code as it is currently failing;
WHERE Specie = '+ebSpecie.Text'
AND ProcessDate = '+ebDate.Text);
I've got a knotty problem here that I've been trying to resolve for some time.
In the application I've been working with, the . Specifically, my problem here is that functions that performed fine on the computer I wrote them on at home don't work on the IBM ThinkPad I'm working with out in...
I've been trying to develop a Delphi 7 app that will read data from a
text or csv file, perform some basic functions, load it into an array,
and append the array contents below the current last row in an existing
Excel (XLS) file.
The pace is slow as documentation is somewhat sketchy...
I was on my IBM 360 WIN ME laptop last night trying to download some financial data when my ZoneAlarm instantiated itself (I didn't have it running because it slows the system down so much) put up a warning page and absolutely blocked my further accessing the internet via Explorer until I reset...
I think I somehow altered the way my Delphi 7 editor
addresses the project I'm working on. I start-up the
editor and open the project.
However, when I try to open one of the member units,
the project is replaced by a new instance of the
editor. It re-opens the editor and the member unit is...
I've spent the last day and a half trying to insert some record values into an Access 2000 DB using Delphi 7. I've tried several variants of what you see below; with and without the 'QuotedStr,'with and without the '='
after VALUES, ADD and APPEND after SQL (INSERT, the most obvious, didn't...
I read the answer you provided kingosticks in his query 102-1051893 but
I'm unclear as to exactly how to apply it. My difficulty is identical to
his and I'm getting the same, '...field not found' error when the line
with the 'X' is encountered.
(I use the string, loc_bar_number, as...
I'm trying to call up a vendor number into a DBLookupComboBox to go with the name selected in an adjacent DBLookupComboBox. That box is associated with an
The vendor number DBLookupComboBox and its TDataSource are both associated with an ADOQuery.
The code I'm using is as follows...
I'm writing an Access DB that will maintain an inventory of metal barstock and the products that they ultimately become.
Each bar is assigned a sequential number when it enters inventory independent of its make up. There are many different metals and alloys.
As each bar is machined into...
I plan to install a second HD in my HP Pavilion (Pent 3) to use as backup. I think the HD access limit with this Op Sys is ~40 GB. I can get 40GB from Azon but then I can get an 80 GB for $8 more.
My question; Does the Me system acess ONLY 40 GB of an 80 GB drive or does it fail to recognize...
I've been searching for a copy of the subject book for about a week. I've checked many new and resale book dealers. I've also contacted the author and the publisher. It's gone out of print and there are no plans to republish because, "...Delphi is a limited use language."(!) Would...
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