Our IS grape vine is saying we'll be going to ellipse full suite package. I was wondering if ellipse HR module has a employee training records component, which records training courses taken by individual employees?
I was wondering if there's a way to determine in forms 10g on a window that displays 12 records in a tabular style if the cursor is sitting on record 1?
Need to partially fill in data for record 1 then the remaining records get manually entered by the user.
thanks for helping.....
I have a oracle 10g form that displays 12 records in a tabular style. When a user select a record then I call another window for them to edit the details. when the user exits the 2nd window and returns to the 1st window is there a way to move the cursor to the next record automatically?
Hello Oracle Vets, I was wondering if there a method for the select that would return records that do not have a value in a field of 'HST-'. Otherwords show me all courses that do not have 'HST-' in the course name. In vb you can do a substring to check for the values but not sure if oracle 8i...
Hi fellow SQlers...
I'm trying to do a sql command that will return the records that are NOT in another associated oracle table.
select * from employees
where employeeid not found in employee_history
Need to retrieve contractors which are in the employees file but do not exist in the...
Hello, I was wondering if a function within a package can be executed from a call in a .BAT file? I'd like to use win scheduler to run a bat file that call a function. Just for testing purposes.
Here's the syntax
d:\oracle\ora81\BIN\SQLPLUS.EXE -S jobs/xxxx@dbase EXEC pkg_testing.bundles...
I was wondering if there is a way in a script of sql/pl code within the 'exception' block to capture a oracle error code to assist in debugging. My code is failing on an INSERT.
Is there a technique in oracle sql/pl that I can lookup an associated value based on a numeric code? 1 = crew A, 2 = crew B, 3 = crew C
Instead of having to use multi IF statements to determine the crew code based on the numeric value.
Is there a technique in oracle sql/pl that I can lookup an associated value based on a code? 1 = crew A, 2 = crew B, 3 = crew C
Instead of having to use multi IF statements to determine the crew code based on the numeric value.
I use the following fix to add the century values to a 2 digit year into a 4 digit year. I found that dates < 1950 are converted into 2048 instead of 1948.
update employee_details
set date_of_birth =
Is there a number of...
Hello all,
I have a date formatting issue and would ask for some sql help. I have a oracle field that is a varchar2 in a table that stores a birth_date value as text in the format of mm/dd/yy as text. I would like to re-format the value into mm/dd/yyyy to include the century and leave it as...
I would like to create a sql that provides a single row subquery to search 2 tables. 1 being a master linked to a details which contains 1/more transaction records for each master.
for each unique piece of equipment, total up all its costs for a given year as in
pump12345, main motor pump...
Hello, I'm trying to use oracle v8.1 sql loader utility to load records from a text file into a oracle table.
I'm getting 'Return status from loader was 127' error message. No records loaded in table. Anyone run into this 1?
I have a excel2000 sheet with VBA code that retrieves data from oracle and automatically updates several graphs on the sheet. Works ok in excel97, but fails when being run in excel2000.
Error message I get when I run the sheet:
"run-time error 1004 activate method of chartobject...
We recently installed filemaker server 5.5 onto a win2000 compaq server. We've had to reboot the server twice as it appears the FM service has become hung and does not accept any other guest sessions to log on. Once rebooted, the service runs ok for about 2 weeks then slowly performance slows...
I'm looking for a decompiler software for visual basic v5.0. We have a application as a .exe but the source code has been misplaced.
thanks for your ideas
Copy from command
Hello, I'm trying to copy a selection of records from a non-oracle database (Sybase sql anywhere)to a oracle 7.3.4 table.
Does my source and destination tables have to have the exact same field and attributes? Or can I just copy from a few of the fields.
I get the cpy0005...
Hello, I have a request to share data from a sybase sql anywhere v5.0 database to a oracle v7.3.4. The sybase is running on a compaq server with win nt 4.0 with a sybase odbc driver already installed.
Can oracle sql/pl scripting provide functions to connect to the sybase table via odbc and...
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