Does anyone know how I can stop this from happening?
When one of my Citrix servers is rebooted, logins are automatically disabled. Everytime, I have to check "enable logons to this server" in the CMC.
Citrix PS4 w/ 2003
What are others doing to keep laptop users up-to-date on Windows Critical Security Updates? Internally I'm using WSUS but I don't think there are settings to tell Automatic Updates to check the Microsoft Web Site if they haven' communicated with my internal WSUS server. I need to make sure these...
This just started to occur and cannot figure out why. Our users using PNagent to run Citrix applications are required to login into their session when they lock their local workstation, which means they need to login twice and they aren't happy about it.
Windows 2003 SP1; Citrix PS 4.0
Was wondering if anyone had any experience teaming 2 NICs using a Cisco 3560 or other switch.
I configured the Teaming software for type: SLB (Switch-assisted Load Balancing) and on the switch I created an etherchannel to include the 2 ports.
Here's a sample of my switch config:
Anyone know how to hightlight the number of spaces in a string field?
What I want to do is hightlight three spaces with a certain color and hight two spaces with another.
I have a Windows 2003 Server running in TS mode w/ Citrix installed. I believe this is a Windows issue and not a Citrix issue. Anyway...
My users were complaining about slow performance when printing from a TS session. After doing some testing I confirmed their issue. On our old 2000 TS...
I would like to be able to connect to servers in my other branch when I connect via VPN to my "Main" office. When I'm connected I can only browse my "Main" offices subnet.
Any ideas?
Configs are attached...
PIX Version 6.3(3)...
I've recently pruchased another server for out "hot" site. This server will be used for Exchange recovery. The hardware on this server doesn't even come close to matching the hardware on my current production Exchange server so, a full backup/restore is out of the question.
I know how to...
Can Exchange server be installed and ready to operate if my Live exchange server fails? I want to setup replication of the Exchange DBs to the recovery server and have as little down time as possible.
Question? If I have a DC that fails on me for some reason or another, is the my best option for retoring the DC is to rebuild it then dcpromo it? I know I'd need to "seize" any master roles that were running on it.
Why would I ever need to restore system state?
I'm running Windows XP pro with Office 2000 pro. My users are getting an error message when executing any Office program, except Outlook.
"feature id not registered"
I'm not sure what is causing this. I haven't been able to find anything on it.
Does anyone know of a tool to list what shares are available on a server and what the ntfs permissions are set at?
I need to review my entire network and list all sources with potential ePHI. (HIPAA)
I have to reinstall SQL because when we first started out I installed it in per seat mode, now we are per processor mode. Anyway....
I'm also going to install another SCSI Disk Array in addition to the one that's currently installed.
My question to you is, should I install the LOG files on...
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