Can someone tell me why a few Mitel IP phones are able to access Voicemail by pressing the # and majority of the rest of the say "NOT ALLOWED". All IP Phones are Mitel 5320 and same network why would one extension be "NOT ALLOWED" and a few would not, any ideas? Thanks in advanced!
Hi All,
Theres has to be a way to make a better Auto greeting for better sound quality than converting a wav file to VOX. It sounds so muffled and quality is not there. I've tried uploading WAV but apparently is not compatible.
You guys have any idea on this?
We have 10 Mitel 3300 and i've been trying to add Moh via ftp/filezilla but seems like it needs to be embedded file which I have but keep running the following issue when addidng file from ie/xp:
Access proble. Verify that the local path is valid (C akepath)...
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