am trying to copy the login script on to the desktop of some laptops at login (dont ask)
using the command
if %computername:~0,3% == LAP xcopy /Y /D \\lsahtc_win2k1\netlogon\ntstaff.bat "c:\documents and settings\%username%\desktop"
if i run the login script in a cmd window after login has...
I'm trying to setup deployment of myodbc on our windows 2000 domain. We only upgraded the domain from NT in the summer, this is the first time we've tried to deploy software. I cant seem to get it to work
what i've done
created an ou called "install software"
moved our testpc from the computers...
i'm trying to free up space on my c: drive. only got 500mb free. dont worry its only a
2.4 gb partition. i got my swap file elsewhere.
anyway when i do add/remove windows componets i get asked for the windows cd. it then has a window entitled configuring components. appears to do some stuff...
i'm not sure whether i should post this here or in the asp forum, but anyways
I'm creating a relational database in access.
I'm gonna write a front end for it in ASP thru IIS4.
I'm just wondering if i need to define the relationships in access or not.
will relationships have any effect if...
if i have 3 nested for loops and I use a 'break' in the inner most one, will it break out of all the for loops or just the one it's in? ===============
Security Forums
I'm trying to get into C++, but i tend to learn stuff better in my own strange way ;-)
[using vc++ 6]
i had a simple program that was like
#include <iostream.h>
void main
char thisisyourname[30];
cout << "What is your name?";
cin >> thisisanumber;
cout << endl <<...
has anyone got a Hp netserver, they've ever had to reinstall?
it was our exchange server that NT broke on. it had mirrored scsi drives.
we broke the mirror, and after a lot of messing i managed to get it to boot from the cdrom drive. I installed nt4. but after the initial install where you...
part of an ongoing problem...
so i rar'ed the exchsrvr folder on the b0rked server and restored it from a backup. That didnt fix the problem so i put the rar backup back. then it told me to run isinteg -patch because it knew i'd restored from an offline backup.
then i got the other backup...
on our exchange server we have 3 network cards.
1. internal academic domain. server is in this domain 192.168
2. internal admin domain. trusts let admin access our server 10.121.
3. external, internet upstream 10.12.
at the moment i have the binding order set to 1-2-3
is this right?
i got these errors in the eventlog
event id 9321 source MSexchangeMTA
An RPC communications error occurred. An attempt to listen over RPC has failed. NT Error 11004. [ BASE IL MAIN BASE 1 504](14)
event id 9266 source MSexchangeMTA
A fatal system error occurred while initializing the MTA...
i've got these lines in some code:
flink = "/subjects/" & whichpage & "/files/" &
which i use a few lines down in a custom generated href
trouble is i'm getting the output:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
i got this off the net, it works but i dont see why.
Dim whichpage
whichpage = Request.QueryString("page")
Select Case whichpage
Case "default"
<!-- #include file="default.asp" -->
<% Case "main" %>
<!-- #include file="main.asp"...
I got win2k running on Vmware. It's so i can experiment with nt policies at home in my holiday. I managed to get win2k using local nt policy using the update regkey set to 2(manual), and once i'd gotten the right version of poledit and got the policy file in the right place.
I created a 'normal...
I'm trying out sql server 7, but i dont have a computer atm, so i'm gonna try it on my vmware virtual nt4 server.
if i develop a database, is it possible to move it(the database) onto another sql 7 installation on a real nt server at a later date? ===============
Security Forums...
Our hp colourlaserjet 4500n has recently started saying "density sensor out of range"
and then something about cleaning it.
it seems to be something to do with the paper tray. cos it's not recognising when there is paper in.
anyone know what this sensor looks like, where it is...
i just wrote this script last week. it chops up ms proxy 2 logs into logs for individual users. it also discards lines referring to images.
b4 u start u have to add the log file names (except the current one) to a files.log
i have my proxy2 doing 1 log file / week which ends up about 120MB...
i'm trying install vnc automatically.
I managed to do it a few years ago on win95 workstations but i'm trying now on win2k workstations and i cant for the life of me work out how i managed it.
i'm using this one:
which is a no icon one.
our security is...
NT4 server win2k clients. mandatory profiles.
3 x nt4 domain controllers.
we want to put on "logon hours" for bad users that misbehave.
Except when we've tried it. when the time comes and they're enabled. it takes about 30mins before they can save to their userarea and access certain...
Atm we have a problem with ppl playing games on our network. So i've made this cunning batch file that continuosly scans the network and mails me if anyone is running certain files.
psexec, pslist from pstools
Blat (commandline mailer)...
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