I have a excel sheet as below,
And now I want to get these data into my sql server as below,
When inserting data into my sql server I don't want to insert duplicates and null records.
How can I do this?
Thank you.
I got this error in this highlighted line and I want to read these ranges and get data into my array.
Private Sub VSFlexGrid2_DblClick()
Dim oXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oXLSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Style_no As String
Dim Line_no As String
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim Array1(D12 To H138...
I have two arrays as below and I want to merge them into one. How can I do that?
Dim vArray() As Variant
Dim vArray1() As Variant
vArray = oXLSheet.Range("E12:E140").Value
vArray1 = oXLSheet.Range("U12:U140").Value
For lngRow = LBound(vArray, 1) To UBound(vArray, 1)...
This is my code.
SMV1 = oXLSheet.Range("H12:H138").Value
For lngRow1 = LBound(SMV1, 1) To UBound(SMV1, 1)
If Not IsEmpty(SMV1(lngRow1, 1)) Then
cboSMV.AddItem SMV1(lngRow1, 1)
End If
Next lngRow1
The format of the excel is as below,
My code is as below and I want to remove duplicates when taking data from excel.
vArray = oXLSheet.Range("E12:E140").Value
vArray1 = oXLSheet.Range("U12:U140").Value
For lngRow = LBound(vArray, 1) To UBound(vArray, 1)
If Not IsEmpty(vArray(lngRow, 1)) Then...
I want to get my excel data into a 2D array. For that I did something like this and I want to know the way of getting data to my array.
Private Sub cmdExcel_Click()
Dim oXLApp As Excel.Application 'Declare the object variable
Dim oXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oXLSheet As Excel.Worksheet...
I have an excel file as '29587643' and the location is Desktop\29587643. Now I want to do something like this.
I have a textbox as txtStyle and I want to search the excel file location using my txtStyle. It means if the txtbox value is 295876438 I want to get my 29587643 excel file. And I want...
I have two grids as grid 1 and grid 2. the structure of them is as below,
styleno lineno garmenttype startdate enddate
120 1 pan 2022-01-01 2022-01-05
150 1 skt 2022-03-01 2022-03-10
And what I want is when...
I have a combo box as Combo1 and I want to get data from sql by using this combo box selected value. For that I did my code inside the click event in my combo box. But it is not ok and it says "method or data member not found".
This is my code,
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
Dim sqlqueryVw As...
I want to get data from sql server into my combo box. These are the few steps that I did and I want to know how to insert data to my combo box?
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call fxSETConnection(ServerType2)
Dim rsreportSw As String
Dim LnOD As ADODB.Recordset
I have a grid as Grid1 and the columns are as below.
Stylecode OrderQty ReceiveQty
CD123 100 75
NHG345 125 125
JK87 500 200
Now I want to do something like this. When I'm selecting a row from my grid I want to take that row data into...
I have a cursor as 'Absent_xl' and I want to create a excel report using this cursor data. And for this I'm using two options such as, "optexcel and optpdf'.
Whe I'm selecting 'optexcel' I want to display the excel report.
How can I do this?
Thank you
I have already add my messagebox like this. But I want to do some changes.
SELECT Absent_xl
Mesage=Messagebox("Do you want to print excel report?",32+4,"Message")
IF Mesage=6
namefile= PUTFILE('Excel File:',"Name_file",'xls')
IF !EMPTY('namefile')
I have to get missing dates from sql server and my sql server table is as below,
Now I want as below,
when I enter 2022-01-03 I want to get 2022-01-02 and 2022-01-03 as my final result. How can I do this in vfp9?
Thank you
I want to get date difference between two days without sunday. It is something like this,
2022 - 08 - 20 (Saturday)
2022 - 08 - 23 (Tuesday)
2022 - 08 - 24 (Wednesday)
If I input 2022 - 08 - 22 as my date I want to take the difference as 1.
How can I get the difference without sunday?
I have a sql field as below,
timein (time (7) )
And now I want to isert data to that field using foxpro. For that I have a filed in foxpro as 'timein'.
How can I arrange my foxpro field to insert time field?
Thank you.
I have a cursor with several designations as below,
In here if ACCOUNT ASSISTANT the results are ,
cFact nEmpNo cFullName
SGL 1 ABC Perera
I have a checkbox in my grid. When I'm going to select using the checkbox it says,
Error in check2 - Value: Data type mismatch
I set currentcontrol = check2 and sparse = .T. in my column.
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you
I have a combobox as "cboDes" and there have some designations as below,
I have a cursor like this and I want a varchar field.
<Create Cursor Emp_Dtl(cFact C(5) Null,nEmpNo N(15,0) Null,cFullName C(60) Null,cDepartment C(50) Null,dJoin D Null,dResign D Null,Months int Null,Years int Null, Days int Null, Period c(100) Null)
Append From...
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