Telephone between 2 sites using SIP Trunk
Hi, colleagues - all in this forum.
Can you help me with the problem I'm having?
1. SIP Trunk connection is appropriate
2. But I can't chat, aka no sound appears between IP phones on the 2 sites. On the ip phone, a Conn notification has...
Hello friends,
Please advise from your experience.
Here I have a case.
I've made a SIP Line Trunk.
I'm trying to make a call, after pressing extn which is going to site A a notification appears on the phone busy here.
Here I attach the capture log from System Status...
Hi all colleagues,
I'm having some problems when I make a test call from Site A to Site B
Here are the log results I got:
********** SysMonitor v11. build 3 [connected to (IPOSE (Server Edition(P)))] **********
414795755mS PRN: Monitor Status S-Edition Primary...
Hi everybody,
Can you help my problem, SIP Trunk can't make outgoing calls?
A picture of the error problem from PhonerLite is attached.
Thank you.
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