We have a manager that has been dealing with coming in every morning to abusive voicemails from a customer. The institution is not ready to completely block the caller however we would like to disable the ability for this caller to leave voicemails or call this station outside of...
Hello all.
When dialing a certain local number from Avaya CM stations we get a fast busy tone. We are able to dial the number from cell phones. Any suggestions on what to look for? The PRI does not show on the caller ID like it normally would for PSTN calls so I don't believe it is leaving the...
Hello! Included below is the output for our loudspeaker paging configuration. We use a 3rd party intercom in our building and branch next door. As expected, dialing "899" pages all zones connected to those ports.
The UNEXPECTED behaviour is that it will also page on the phones at the building...
My employer has a 3rd party intercom system that our Avaya PBX rotues too using a 3 digit string. I am able to find the entry in the Dial plan analysis AND there is an entry in the abbreviated dial list for the code as well. However, this code is not listed in feature access codes nor is...
We have had many reports of users in call centers receiving calls that are just loud burst of static. When investigated, the calls callerID info was;
extension TAC: XXXX
name: %Branch Location% Inbound
This name and TAC corresponds to one of our trunk groups. The calls don't seem...
Good morning Everyone!
I am a network administrator who is being pushed more and more towards telephony due to company shifts. That being said I am booked for training in Avaya Aura CM 8 administration but I would like to acquire a book that teaches all the fundamentals of telephony with some...
Good morning Everyone,
We are going through a large core conversion at our company and need to make modifications to the CM for a special cut over weekend but need assistance on how to change a specific function in a Vector. Normally the vector accepts input from the callers in the form of...
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