Dear All ,
This will sound silly and stupid , but it's worth the shot.
At the moment when I want to interface with a python project I have to generate a text file with all the details / parameters(generating it via foxpro before hand ) I have to pass to it then run the python script that is...
Dear All , is being a while , nice makeover but I prefer the old-fashioned style better ,
As I understand the command GETWORDCOUNT() is only available on VFP 9.0 and not in VFP 6.0
Is there an easy way to replicate somehow easily what this command does in VFP 6.0 ?
What I...
Dear All ,
I have this command " TYPE 'some file' TO PRINTER
And it outputs the file contents on screen.
Is there a way to stop that ?
Thanks in advance for the help ,
The Radiologist
Dear All ,
I am having an issue with some high-level queries,
Select * from *sometable* INTO ARRAY aMyArray WHERE arguments
I need to be able to know if this query is empty so that I won't go down the line to check if my array even exists ( because since the query is empty the array won't...
Dear All ,
Happy holidays and all the best to all and a happy new year to everyone.
Now a peculiar request:
The code :
** Say something on screen
@ 1.5,24 say "*********" font "ARIAL" ,19 style "BU" color w+/g
** Say something more on screen
@ 5,24 say "***********" font "ARIAL" ,19...
Dear All ,
Merry Christmas and a happy holidays BTW to all :D
I had a last question on thread : thread184-1828035
Regarding tables, Now I managed to get out of the mess I got my self into , but
At the moment I have 2 temporary tables that have data in them that I want to discard after using...
Dear All ,
I would like to know if its possible to somehow keep in cache or keep a local copy of some big database files that are located in a remote share , because when loading some fields that are memo ( just long texts ) it takes time and sometimes the program freezes.
Is not a mater of...
Dear All ,
I am in need of your assistance , experience , and expertise in this small trouble I have.
I am gathering some data from a line by line formatted file , and I insert the data into a table I made. ( 1 record several columns , don't ask me why I didn't use an array in the first...
Dear All ,
Its me again , Happy new year.
another issue I am facing is that I create a table and then when the program(subroutine) exists ( returns to the main program ) the table file remains locked. And I can't re-run the software because the file is in use.
my code is as follows...
Dear All ,
I wish you a happy new year and all the best in life ,
I have an issue.
I am trying to find a record in a table with 2 values for example :
Looking at the order number and order type.
this config Used to work at another program with a different table.
SELECT <arbitrary table...
Dear All ,
please bare with me , I am very very new to FoxPro (out of necessity)
to update a super old program ,
I am running FoxPro 6
So I have a DB file and at the end I am having this code
select <db>
SET FILTER TO <a given expression>
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