Hi every boody i tray to add some detials in sys01.rpt file that show total of day but I need formula for crystal report to compare total sys today with same day in last week to show total same day in last week and compar between it and the total of today
Is there any friend can help me to do it...
Hi everybody I need micros pos 3700 package to install in my server because the micros that I have it have a many problems . from where can I get micros pos 3700 file to install it . thanks
Hi everybody . I have a lot of zero balance chk in my system pos 3700 . I need to deleted all of them . I try ( call micros.sp_forcechkclose ).
But this script deleted one by one .is their any way to deleted all of them by one step
.thanks alot
Hi . I have micros system pos 3700 res 4.5
And I want to update all price of all items that I have in all level Price together . at same time ( I have 10 level price ) is their any way to make import for all menu list price to change it and export it again
To update my database .. Thanks to you
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