A user tried logging to his computer connected to the domain and gets this as feed back "the trust relationship between this workstation and primary domain failed.
How can i do to resolved this problem, i have tried resetting the computer from the domain controller but it didnt work.
Please I have been trying to register Panasonic kx-nt553 ip phone to Panasonic ncp500 but the phones does not register.
The PBX has DSP card installed and I have followed documents to get it registered but failed.
I am beginning to suspect that the DSP card is fault but how can I find out...
Hello All,
Please I have been searching on google to download firmware version 5 for panasonic tda100 but to no avail.
Please I need someone to give me the site or a link to where i can download.
Thank You.
Please I need a complete guide lines to follow for an upgrade of IP Office version 10 to
Will it affect licenses and what is the best practise to follow.
And can I export the configuration of the version 10 unto the version without any future challenges?
Thanks and...
I am setting up an IP office 500 v2 and avaya j139 sip phones.It will be installed on a network with firewall.It is for basic telephony service.I would like to know which specific port should be opened on the network for the installation to successfully work.I know port matrix has so many...
I have configure resiliency between avaya ipo primary server and secondary server.
I connected the IPO 500v2 expansion gateway to both primary server and secondary server via web socket and incoming call routed to the primary server vmpro ivr.
The primary server has ivr configured in voicemail...
Hello All,
I am trying to activate subscription license on an IP Office 500 V2 of version
As part of the requirement ,service user COMAdmin needs to be enabled and the password changed to the password in the customer operations manager but when i checked service users I didn't find...
I have a setup of Avaya ip office server edition integrated with ACCS and an ISDN terminated on IPO 500V2 gateway.
It has been working fine until recently agents started complaining of breakages in voice when they do an outbound calls and when internal calls.
I rebooted the server edition...
I have integrated a GSM gateway device with Avaya IP Office 500 V2.
Calls made to the GSM line either shows wrong caller ID or displays no caller ID and on certain times, it displays the right caller ID.
What could be the cause and how can I resolve this challenge.
Many Thanks.
Am working on a contact center whose agent are experiencing one way audio when using the Avaya webclient on google chrome..
The setup has an Avaya IPOSE application server with an IP with WebRTC gateway for the Avaya Webclient application and Avaya IPO V2 of an IP...
Please how can I check out numbers of outside callers who called after working hours and were answered by IVR.
And how can I call back on leave voicemail messages. Am using Avaya IP Office server edition.
Thank you.
I have set up a sip trunk between an IPO 500 V2 and IPO server edition.
The V2 has an ISDN line connected to it for incoming and outgoing calls to users on the server edition.
I have configured outgoing calls for users and it works ok but incoming calls are not routed to an IVR
i configured...
I have configure media manager to archive call recordings through NAS connector.
But I still see reachable as No in the active NAS connector.
I read through the documentation to confirm what I did was right but still cannot
find the reason why it shows Reachable as No.
Please anybody has...
I deployed IP Office server edition on a virtual platform and configured media manager for recordings and it worked well for long.
For some reasons am not able to access the call recordings in the media manager.
I tried accessing it with Administrator account through the WebManagement but...
Please I need help with how to upload audio files and configure queue message in ACCS for IP Office.
I have already configured for music on hold and it works fine but still having challenges with the queue message.
I need the procedure to get it done right.
Case 1 - I have configured queue message in voicemail pro client but when i tested it I didnt hear the customized queue message though i uploaded the wav file with the right format.May be i didnt configure the steps right.I need help with steps to get it done right.
Case 2 - How do I...
Any i open the web manager of my ip office server edition,an error pops up at the top stating unable to synchronize background data with the service user.
Tried synchronizing the ip office v2 and the ip office server but still fails.
Any other solution to this error.Attached is snapshot...
Am using equinox as soft phone for windows desktop.Am not able to get directory from the IP office server.
How can I configure the equinox and ip office to pull out directories from the Avaya IP office to display on the equinox.
So i am running avaya ipo server edition 11.0.4 with power use licensed for users and webRTC gateway running.
But when i open webclient it opens with an error service not available.I have restarted the webRTC and rebooted the server but the error still appears.
Thinking of upgrading but...
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