After 20 years of IP Office it’s now time to leave, I am retiring tomorrow.
I have been studying, working, supporting, testing and teaching the IPO here in Italy since the R2.1 for two different distributors, it means 20 Major release suites till now and undefinite MRs.
Here I found lot of high...
Hello mates, have just seen on the support site R12.1 docs, I am really surprised, no announcements or preliminary infos at all, wondering if somebody knows the release date and other details
Noticed this behaviour, IPO routing is ok but no way to ping anyone via SSA. I suppose it's because ICMP has not been enabled in the rocky platform, Ping via SSA is an easy way to check the voice connections, strange it has been disabled. Any solution?
Thank you
Facing an issue accessing the J100 via Web Access: web access has been correctly managed and the phones web page is avaliable but no way to enter the web page due to "invalid username or password".
Password has been set into the 46xxspecials:
Faceing a never seen behaviour on a R11 Server Edition: Hold music has been loaded as per standard procedure, calls are directed via DDI (ISDN PRI) to the users which place the call on hold, MOH is ok. Viceversa if the call is entered via an existing VMPro IVR and ten trasferred on the same...
SMDR used with a billing software, the customer asks not to see the complete dialled number by the users for privacy reasons, how to?
I know the IPO since R2.1 and I remember there was the chance to hide from the SMDR last 3 or 4 digits of the dialled number, am I wrong?
Just trying to install the multi-language Tect To Speech rpms into a R12 server, it refuses the upload 'cause the R11.1 TTS available on the support website is related to CentOS....
Facing network problems in a SCN environmen making unstable the SCN dialing site to site, I know the network must be verified but in the meantime I would setup a failover mechanism so the SCN dialing is forwarded to external DDI numbers through ARS tables, I know that this option was included in...
System A is R11.x connected via SIP Trunk to system B as R9.x where ISDN BRIs should be used to dial out, the dialling is rejected from the system B because "A" users are not recognized (correct), I remember a trick in case of R11 to R11 (use the PAI settings) but the R9.0 does not allow those...
Rumors about R12 are dated since 3rd Quarter 2023, what about it, does anybody have info about it? CentOS is end of support, Rocky Linux will replace it but what about next IPOs ?
Facing an old R9.0 system were Analog POTS 16+ and POTS 30+ are present as per Manager statement, are they the v1 or v2 flavour?
I suppose are v2 'cause v1 are no longer available since a lot but I would be sure due to upgrade compatibility
Facing an issue on remote Worplace clients registered on the IPO, all works fine excepted the presence status, we know the presence is now provided by the IPO itself but which port is using? Port matrix does not talk about it.
Same clients registered directly on the LAN do not have issues at...
After IP Dect RBSs have been updated to the latest release (11_5_11) I still have problems accessing the Dect R4 IPBS via Chrome nor Firefox, is this link ( still the only chance or are there some settings into RBS?
Thank you
On R11.1 FP3 at every user access to the one-x portal the system aks automatically to upgrade the Call Assistant from the existing build 21 to the build 26, the download starts but nothing happens, this is very annoying 'cause the update request continue to pop-up at every...
Hello, facing the SNTP time settings where the DST calendar seems at the end, no way to set dates later than 29 oct 2023, any idea? External NTP servers provide just UTC timing, Manager allows the offset but what about the automatica DST calendar which is needed twice a year?
Just to warn you all, after the new SD card has been formatted as usual the re-creation process (A-LAW) aborted immediately because (by the Manager statement) the file "javascript\analytics.js" is missing, even if not.
I had to manually copy all files from the Manager folder "common" then add...
On the support website has been added the "ABE_11_1_2400_19_OVF10" ova file to the already existing "ABE_11_1_2400_18_OVF10" which is slightly a bigger file, no info on the docs, does any one know what is due for?
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