When I was younger, I worked for a large corporation, which is currently ranked in the top 25 on the Fortune 500. That said, I now work for a smaller company; however, we have a call center as well. While working for my former employer, I was able to dial a few digits on my phone in the event I...
With all the talk of voice mail systems being compromised, I was wondering if it were possible to disable external access to the system, voicemail or otherwise. While I understand the general rule of thumb is to modify the admin's password, voice mail boxes generally have only a few numbers to...
We provide outsourcing solutions for different companies. Is it possible to modify your outbound caller id based upon the keys prepending the number dialed (ARS Tables)? If not, does anyone know how we would go about doing this?
Hi everyone, I'm really needing some help.
I am the web developer where I work and our carrier/broker and our network administrator have seriously got us in a bind. Since he's on vacation, I'm trying to get this resolved because it's been a problem for several weeks that I just found out about...
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