I have a customer with a IP office with embedded voicemail that had been working with notification but stopped a while back.
I tried setting it up with different ip address and ports. When I watch the monitor it comes back with no starttls and R-7 doesn't have a box to check. Do I have to up...
I'm trying to set up voicemail to email on a ip 500 basic version using GMX. I tried using (smtp)
mail.gmx.com port 587 starttls with and without server requires authentication and it will not work. I also tried doing it with port 465. With the GMX I enabled access via pops & imap...
I have not installed ip office for a couple of years. {semi retired } I am trying to install an IP 500 Basic for a friend and Manager will not open. My Manager is build 74 and my SD card is build 237. Avaya would not sell me a SD card so I got one on ebay. Every where I...
I have a customer with partner vs mail 5. He has tried to change the night greeting and it records and plays back when prompted, but it doesn't work when night service is on. It still plays the old greeting. I have tried changing the greeting my self using the partner programming book following...
I have a Partner ACS R7 with a 2 slot carrier with a 206e card added. When on any line and another call comes in the customer hears the other line ring until caller ID is done. I have tried two different R7's with the same results. Can the carrier or 206 card cause this problem. There are no cos...
I have a cics that has 8 working phones. when I try to add station 29 it will flash but not boot up. I have 18v on the next 8 ports. I have tried moving a working phone and get the same results. The system shows first 8 ports as 101 to 108 and next 8 ports as 117 to 124. I have not restarted...
I'm new to IP Office Essential. I need to install A new combo card to add 2 lines and one station. Can anyone let me know how to do this.
Version build 153
I have a costumer that has one station that when someone is trying to leave a voicemail the beep doesn't sound after his announcement. All that happens is a announcement comes on asking for a station number. I checked all the settings to forward to voicemail 440 and they are the same as other...
My customer has a nortel mics with an avaya 7403e cordless that goes dead as soon as it is taken off the charger. the hand set shows battery fully charged when in charger and the battery has been replaced. Has the handset gone bad.It has been working for a couple of years.
I have a new customer eith a bcm 200 that they don't know how to access element manager. The installer has gone out of business and the last administrator has left the company. The system is connected to their network via a lan port and shows activity. Can it be accessed from any computer on the...
I have a customer that has a Panasonic phone system and I am changing over to a basic ip 500. They have two door phones now with one using a door opener.my question is can the existing door phones be used with the ip 500 controller.
A customer called about losing power and extensions quite ringing. I reprogrammed the extensions to ring and that worked, but the dss lights come on all stations while ringing. The customer says that didn't happen before. I can't find how to turn that off. Any suggestions?
I have a nec sl1100 that i'm trying to connect an AP20 with ML440 handsets. I have installed a voip card and programmed new ip addresses and have tried to get the ap to find the handset but all the handset does is show searching for ip address of the AP20. The Ap20 light is green. I have tried...
I have a basic ip500 .I can create the three way call ok ut when I try to drop the 1416 phone out of the conference all connections get lost. I have seen a couple instructions on the internet and have followed there instructions on how to set it up.
It still drops all calls. I have...
I have a customer with a cics system with Flash Voicemail that somehow how people are getting into the system and calling Africa long distance. I have deleted all mail boxes except two that are being used and changed their passwords. The calls were still made. The customer has Comcast service...
I have a mox8am module that has battery and ground coming out but no dial tone. When checking in maintenance it shows the module installed. When trying to call out can hear tone. Can't call out or in. When checking port it shows no equipment when it has a phone connected. I'm pretty sure the...
I have a dhs/e that has two stations that have 347 on one and 000 on the other. I don't know how it got like this. I took over the system after it was like this. station port 103 has 347 in display. Calls can be made out to other phones and outside calls. No calls can be made to the station from...
When the flash answers it goes to station greeting instead of greeting table one. day- night-after hours-all set for table one.
non business also. The flash is connected to port 108 station 28. when testing dn and port status it shows flash connected there.
When I dial station 28 it answers...
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