I managed to reproduce (only partially) the behavior mentioned in my previous thread, this way:
1 I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 by using a very old kit (from 2019)
2 Then I started a bunch of Windows updates
After all the updates finished, by clicking the Start button, nothing...
One of our Windows 10 Pro workstation cannot be shutdown using the "normal path", but only by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE
When I click the Start Button, nothing happens.
By using a restore point, a few weeks ago, I managed to temporarily solve the problem, but now my colleague complains again.
A PC using Windows 10 32 has a USB printer attached (Lexmark T420).
The printer does not have a net card.
The printer is shared, and the network discovery is turned on.
From another computer I tried to connect to the shared printer, but I got the 0x000709 error.
From the second computer, the...
We have four (4) Kyocera FS6525 printers. These are network printers and we use them both as printers and as scanners.
One of them already has two PC's added in the address book (for scanning). Now I try to add a new entry, and all goes well, until I try to save it into address book.
Just posted a new faq184-7922
Not sophisticated, but useful. Maybe I will enhance later.
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
Version 4 for VFP9 and 2/3 for VFP6 (January 2017).
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
A simple function that extracts the text contained in a Writer odt document, and creates a txt file with the same name.
Download links
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania...
A single unfied function to import data from tables contained in OpenOffice / LibreOffice documents (Calc's ods, Impress' odp and Writer's odt)
The signature is the same used for ImportFromOoCalc https://www.foxite.com/archives/import-from-calc-ooffice-0000439109.htm
The data are...
A downgraded version of CopyToXlsx, changed to run under VFP 6.
The new function was renamed CopyToXlsx6
Download link
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
Signature similar to the corresponding function fro MSOffice.
Import From Openoffice Calc 1.0
Download link
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
Similar in signature, respectively properties, with the corresponding functions and classes created for MsOffice.
Function CopyToOds 2.0
Download link
Class ExportToOds 1.0
Download link
FunctionCopyToOdt 3.0
Download link
Class ExportToOdt 2.0
Download link
Posted here faq184-7867 a solution for intercepting CTRL+SHIFT+Enter.
The technique can be used for any other key combination, undetected by the keypress() event
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
Improved versions of class (ExportXlsx 1.8) and procedure (CopyToXlsx 1.9.1) that exports data from VFP into Excel 2007+ workbooks
The links from my blog (first link) contains some explanations
CopyToXlsx 2.9.1
direct link
CopyToXlsx 2.9.1
ExportXlsx 1.8
direct link
ExportXlsx 1.8...
Just finished a new version of ImportFromXlsx
In version 1.3 I've added a new (fifth) parameter. Very useful for worksheets with gaps (empty cells), but the process is slower.
If the fifth parameter, llEmptyCells, is passed as .T., then column position and data type is checked for each cell...
Recently I struggled with the currency symbol, for my copytoxlsx function and class. My goal was to get the user default setting, the ones from Control Panel -> Regional Settings. And so I had to deal with GetLocaleInfo and GetLocaleInfoEx.
GetLocaleInfo tends to become deprecated. It is ASCII...
This weekend my intention is to show the power of VFP's SQL
Again, these exercises are for fun only
a) Given this cursor
using only SQL SELECT, expand its values to the first 50 integers, e.g
b) Given this cursor
Encode the followings formulas. The solutions must not include (explicit) mathematical formulas.
a) The factorial of 6
6! = 1*2*3*4*5*6
b) 6 to the power 4
6**4 = 6^4 = 6*6*6*6
c) The fifth root of 3125
3125^0.2 = 5
d) This math expression
6^3/2 = 108
* This is only for fun, not recommended as...
The weekend is almost gone, but I miss the activity in this forum.
aa is a procedure with 3 parameters.
First call of the aa procedure is without the second parameter.
The second call pass .F. to the second parameter.
The first and the third parameter are integers, and the second is logical...
I just edited this faq184-7701
At least three different persons raised the same question.
A year ago I found a way to prevent undocking the form. The form was "glued", but with CTRL + F4 it can be closed.
Today I found a way to prevent closing the form with CTRL + F4.
Upon a request, I created a small piece of code for splitting an ico file (which can hold more icons for different resolutions) into a set of ico files, one for each compounding icon. Please check here faq184-7754
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
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