I'm having trouble accessing the voicemail pro client on an IPOSE R10.1 system.
Having logged in to web manager I can see that the "enable voicemail pro client interface" option is set to No, however, every time I change it to Yes and click update, after a few seconds it resets back to No...
Hi all,
I've encountered an issue I've not come across before and wondered if anyone on here knows of a fix.
When trying to save a configuration back to a system using Manager the following error message is displayed -
Failed to save the configuration data
(Unable to read data from the...
I have a Server Edition solution that has been running on R9.1 for some time without any issues.
I've added a Secondary Server to the solution and when the primary system is shutdown the phones fail over to the Secondary Server however they show a 'System Unlicensed' error message on the...
I have an IP Office and Avaya applications server running at R8.1 and I’d like to upgrade them to R9.0.
Speaking to our technical support about upgrading the Application server, they advised uploading the iso file (as downloaded from the Avaya site) to the Applications software repository on...
Hi, I need to upgrade a UC module and have checked the relevant tech tips and installation guides. It states 'In all cases, always backup all application data to a separate location before upgrading' however i must be missing something as I cannot work out how this is done? Can anyone advise...
I'm fairly new to the IP Office so I'm hoping one of the old schoolers might be able to help me out with this one...
I have an IP500v2 with R8.0 (66) installed on it but every time I try and open the configuration with Manager (same release) it give me a 'Network Error - Failed to communicate...
Hi, I have an IP500 Control Unit running R4.2(11) and the following licenses...
IP500 Upgrade Standard to Professional
Mobility Features
Phone Manager
VMPro TTS (Generic)
Voicemail Pro (4 ports)
I'd like to upgrade this to R8.1 but I'm a little confused on the license requirements. I believe...
Not sure if anyone can help on this...
I have an IP Office system that I'm trying to connect to with manager, but although I can see the system listed it is greyed out and wont let me select it - does anyone know why this would be?
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